PLC ALE Requirement

Part of the experiential curricula for the Presidents Leadership Class includes the completion of the Applied Leadership Experience (ALE) process. An ALE is defined, primarily, by its grounding in Experiential Learning.

"Experiential learning exists when a personally responsible participant cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally processes knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes in a learning situation characterized by a high level of active involvement."

- An Experiential-Cognitive Methodology in the First Course in Management: Some Preliminary Results, J. Duane Hoover, Carlton J. Whitehead. 1975.

PLC students are required to complete one ALE and the accompanying course PRLC 2930. Students will participate in applied experiences throughout their undergraduate careers. One of these experiences will become a PLC ALE - an applied experience enhanced by a structure that insists on attention to goals, receiving and learning from feedback, reflection through individual and group analysis, intention on the future application of skills, and lessons learned.

The course is set up to unveil the utility and necessity of experiential learning as a life skill/endeavor, by guiding and supporting students through the reflection on the learning process. The syllabus will be primarily dedicated to the identification of personal, professional, and leadership growth moments that can be translated into skills to be applied to future experiences and placements. Additionally, students will be exposed to professional development lessons, seminars, and workshops to help them navigate current and future professional placements.

The course is a 2-credit course, meeting primarily on Monday and Wednesday evenings (3-3:50 pm). We are now accepting study abroad experiences as ALEs. However, you must take this course after your study abroad semester/year and complete all coursework.

Below is a current guide to when students can/should take PRLC 2930-801 to complete the ALE process:


Spring 2022


Summer 2022


Fall 2022




Applied Experience

Spring ‘22

Summer ‘22

Fall ‘22



Register ALE



Complete Pre-Course Assignments

During Spring 2022 ALE

During Summer 2022 ALE

During Fall 2022 ALE





Fall 2022

Fall 2022

Fall 2022



We acknowledge that there are and will be questions about this new course. Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers (expanded), to help answer some of your immediate concerns. If the list does not answer your questions, please email Jessie Kasynski or JulieMarie Shepherd Macklin.

Please download the ALE Handbook by clicking this button:

Ìý PLC ALE Handbook

Articles about Experiential Education

Article 1Ìý- Coker, Jeffrey Scott, and Desiree Jasmine Porter. "Student motivations and perceptions across and within five forms of experiential learning." The Journal of General Education 65.2 (2017): 138-156.

Article 2Ìý- Chapman, Steve, Pam McPhee, and Bill Proudman. "What is experiential education." The theory of experiential education 3 (1995): 235-248.

Article 3Ìý- Mezirow, Jack. "How critical reflection triggers transformative learning." Fostering critical reflection in adulthood 1.20 (1990): 1-6.

Articles on Getting Feedback

- HBR. O'Hara, Carolyn. May 15, 2015.

"". Fast Company. Gabriel Shaoolian—Glassdoor. Feb. 23, 2018.

". Impraise

FAQ for PLC ALE Course

If you are currently a junior or senior in PLC and were previously required to complete a lower and upper division ALE, and you have completed both, you do not have to take this course to graduate with PLC.

If you are a sophomore or second point of entry student, and this situation applies to you, we will review these on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a class conflict that cannot be resolved, you will be enrolled into PRLC 2930-801, and complete the discussion and assignment portions of the course online. You will also have the option to meet with the course Class Advisor during office hours to receive course content, assignments, and support. This option is only available if you cannot remedy the class conflict and you have run out of time before graduating.

Yes, if you have only completed one ALE (lower or upper division) you do need to do another ALE and take this course and fulfill the other ALE requirement.

No, you do not have to take this course after completing your ALE on the ALWC. However, if you do not complete all the assignments from the ALWC, you will have to take the course and use another experience. See the SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES section in the ALE Handbook.

No, you do not have to take this course if you are using your PLC Student Staff position as an ALE. However, if you do not complete all the assignments for the ALE during your staff position, you will have to take the course and use another experience. See the SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES section in the ALE Handbook.