- Fall 2023 NIST-PREP Graduates Congratulations to our Fall 2023 PREP student graduates! Dahyeon Lee – Ph.D. in Physics Bryce Primavera – Ph.D. in Physics Jose Valencia – Ph.D. in Physics
- CU PREP graduate students Wesley Brand, Tristan Rojo, and Eric Swiler from Andrew Ludlow's group are collaborating on a research project to advance geodesy and gravitational sensing. The team will measure tiny changes in the flow of time caused by differences in Earth's gravitational field at different altitudes.
- Physics and CU PREP alum, Dr. Tara Fortier (PhysPhD'03) describes how the definition of a second will soon become more precise in NIST's Taking Measure blog.
- CU PREP researchers Sam Oberdick and Stephen Ogier are collaborating with colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Florence to advance low-field MRI technology.
- Image of atomic beam device with a peanut for scale. Rb vapor in the source cavity feeds a buried microcapillary array and forms an atomic beam (indicated by a red-to-blue arrow) in the drift cavity. Credit: Nature Communications (2023
- Congratulations to our 2023 PREP student graduates! Mohammad Alhejji – Ph.D. in Physics Arik Avagyan – Ph.D. in Physics Elizabeth Eyeson – Bachelor’s in Computer Science with a Minor in Business Daniel Lesko – Ph.D. in Chemical Physics