
Reaction intermediates buried within a solid-liquid interface are difficult targets for physiochemical measurements. They are inherently molecular and locally dynamic, while their surroundings are extended by a periodic lattice on one side and the solvent dielectric on the other. Challenges compound on a metal-oxide surface of varied sites and especially so at its aqueous interface of many prominent reactions. Recently, phenomenological theory coupled with optical spectroscopy has become a more prominent tool for isolating the intermediates and their molecular dynamics. The following article reviews three examples of the SrTiO-aqueous interface subject to the oxygen evolution from water: reaction-dependent component analyses of time-resolved intermediates, a Fano resonance of a mode at the metal-oxide–water interface, and reaction isotherms of metastable intermediates. The phenomenology uses parameters to encase what is unknown at a microscopic level to then circumscribe the clear and macroscopically tuned trends seen in the spectroscopic data.


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