- Professor
- Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies

Spring 2025 Office Hours: Thursdays 1:30 - 2:30pm or by appointment
McKenna 132A
Research areas
Usage-based grammar, discourse syntax, language variation and change, Hispanic linguistics, Galician linguistics
- 2024 (accepted for publication). Constructional sources of durational shortening in discourse markers. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 62. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown).
- 2023 (accepted for publication). In Manuel DÃaz-Campos and Sonia Balasch eds. The handbook of usage-based linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
- 2023 (accepted for publication). . In Peter Herbeck and Pekka Posio eds. Referring to discourse participants in Ibero-Romance languages. Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown). ÌýÌý
- 2023 (accepted for publication). . In Brandon Baird, Osmer Balam and MarÃa del Carmen Parafita Couto eds. Linguistic advances in Central American Spanish. Leiden/Boston: Brill. (Co-author: Érick Pineda). ÌýÌý
- 2023. . In Guillermo Rojo, Victoria Vázquez Rozas y Rena Torres Cacoullos eds. Sintaxis del español. The Routledge handbook of Spanish syntax. Oxford: Taylor and Francis Group, 327-338.
- 2022. In Enrico Torre ed. El mapa lingüÃstico del noroccidente ibérico: contacto, variación y cambio. München, Germany: Lincom Europa, 39-57. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown). ÌýÌý
- 2022. . Cuadernos de la Alfal 14/1: 58-78.
- 2021. Editor of Revisiting language variation and change: Looking at metalinguistic categories through a usage-based lens [Special Issue] Languages: [9 articles, 196pp] (Co-editor: Esther L. Brown). ÌýÌý
- 2021. . Estudos de LingüÃstica Galega 13: 1-27. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown). ÌýÌý
- 2019. . Languages 4/40: doi:10.3390/languages4020040. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown). ÌýÌý
- 2018. . Lingua. An International Review of General Linguistics 215: 27-39. (Co-authors: Esther L. Brown and Mayra Cortés-Torres). ÌýÌý
- 2018. . Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 11/2: 367-393.
- 2016. . WORD. A Journal of the International Linguistics Association 62/1: 1-21.
- 2016. . In Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach ed. Enciclopedia de lingüÃstica hispánica. Vol. 1. London/New York: Routledge, 127-137.
- 2015. . Hispanic Research Journal 16/2: 107-126. (Co-author: Ivo Sánchez-Ayala).
- 2013. . Moenia. Revista Lucense de LingüÃstica & Literatura 19: 97-113.
- 2013. . Revista Internacional de LingüÃstica Iberoamericana XI/1: 155-171
- 2012. . In Emilio Montero Cartelle and Carmen Manzano Rovira eds. Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española. Santiago de Compostela 14-18 de Septiembre de 2009. Santiago de Compostela: Meubook, 2363-2374. (Co-author: Ivo Sánchez-Ayala).
- 2012. . BoletÃn de LingüÃstica XXIV/37-38: 102-118. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2012. .Ìý Borealis. An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 1/2: 73-90. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2012. . Language Variation and Change 24/3: 317-341. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2011. . Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 4/2: 379-416
- 2011. . Estudios de LingüÃstica. Universidad de Alicante 25: 289-315. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2011. . Spanish in Context 8/1: 23-49. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2010. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 29/2: 75-95. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2010. . In Aquilino Sánchez and Moisés Almela eds. A Mosaic of Corpus Linguistics. Selected Approaches. Berlin: Peter Lang, 61-78. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2009. Ìý. Moenia. Revista Lucense de LingüÃstica & Literatura 15: 83-107. (Co-author: Juan J. López Rivera)
- 2009. . In Pascual Cantos Gómez and Aquilino Sánchez Pérez eds. A Survey on Corpus-Based Research. Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus. Murcia: AELINCO, 631-645. (Co-author: Esther L. Brown)
- 2008. . Hispania 91/4: 897-912.
- 2007. . BoletÃn de LingüÃstica XIX/28: 5-25. (Co-authors: Francesco D’Introno and Verónica González)
- 2006. . In Montserrat López DÃaz and MarÃa Montes López eds. Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, Économie et Variation dans les Langues. Lugo: Axac, 453-458.
- 2006. Iconicity and diachronic change: two process in conspiracy or in competition?. Southern Journal of Linguistics 28/1-2: 16-33.
- 2004. Clause structure typology: grammatical relations in cross-linguistic perspective. Lugo: Tris Tram. Reviews by W. Schulze in E-language (05/16/2010: http://elanguage.net/blogs/booknotices/?p=500) and by C. Hagège in Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 105/2 (2010): 26-34.
- 2002. Complementos directos periféricos. In Ramón Lorenzo ed. Homenaxe a Fernando R. Tato Plaza. Univ. de Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións, 255-266.
- 2002. Ergatividad y gradaciones transitivas en la construcción de acusativo con infinitivo. In MarÃa Dolores Muñoz Núñez, Ana Isabel RodrÃguez-Piñero Alcalá, Gérard Fernández Smith and Victoria BenÃtez Soto eds. IV Congreso de LingüÃstica General. Volumen IV. Comunicaciones. Universidad de Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones, 2213-2224.
- 2000. . Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio CientÃfico. Reviews by G. Lazard in Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 96/2 (2001): 79-80, by O. Fischer in Linguistics 40/6 (2002): 1251-1256, and by L. Rolfe in Word 53/2 (2002): 260-263.
- 2000. Ìý. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 21: 87-112.