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Official COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy in effect

Chancellor Philip P. DiStefano has given approval to the campus COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy that sets the baseline expectations for all students, faculty, staff and visitors necessary to enable the Road Map to Fall 2020 plan.

The policy goes into effect immediately and outlines measures critical to protecting both the campus as a whole and individuals at higher risk from COVID-19. It includes measures related to social distancing and campus density reductions; the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and enhanced cleaning protocols; and personal hygiene discipline.

The policy includes two sections:

  • Expectations for Supervisors, Department Chairs and University Officers
  • Expectations for Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors

The first section outlines which employees should come to work and when. The second sets expectations for everyone coming to campus for social distancing, personal protective equipment, cleaning, protocols for those who are sick, health and safety training, and enforcement.

“This policy sets the overarching requirements around which we will base all decisions about the return to campus this summer and fall,” said Dan Jones, associate vice chancellor for integrity, safety and compliance. “We will depend upon the members of our community learning and following these requirements and ensuring that they are taking the steps necessary to protect themselves, their fellow students and coworkers, and the Boulder community. We will succeed if everyone does their part to make the campus safe for living, learning, and working.”

Included in the policy is the requirement that all faculty, staff and students complete health and safety training. A faculty and staff course has already been created in Skillsoft. The student COVID-19 training course is under development with Student Affairs.

The policy notes that supervisors and department chairs are responsible for enforcing the policy in consultation with Employee Relations and the Office of Faculty Affairs as appropriate. The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution will enforce the policy for students to ensure accountability and adherence to all campus risk mitigation plans.SCCR will announce an update to thestudent code of conductlater this week that helps ensure students are held accountable for violating public and campus health policies.