
The Applied Mathematics program at the University of Colorado at Boulder is as unique as its graduates. With 22 tenure trackÌýfaculty, 45+Ìýaffiliated faculty, numerous national research labs located right in the foothills of Boulder, and a plethora of faculty and student lead research projects; the Applied Mathematics graduates have found success in both academia and professionally run companies and conglomerates alike. Below you can see where our graduates have gone to pursue their research interests and career goals.

Graduation Year 2024:

NameDissertation TitleFaculty AdvisorFirst Position After Graduation
Sabina AdhikariSynchronization of Coupled Phase Oscillators on HypergraphsJuan RestrepoPostdoc at CU Boulder Applied Math Department
Caitlin BerrySubordinated Processes and Spectral Analysis for High Frequency Time SeriesWilliam KleiberÌýÌýMathematical Statistician at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Heather CihakMachine Learning on Network-valued Data: The Spectral WayZachary P. KilpatrickÌýÌýMathCEP Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota (UMN)
Kevin DohertyNumerical Methods for Non-Uniform Data SourcesStephen BeckerApplied Research Mathematician at the United States Department of Defense
Andrew LawrenceAdvancements in Numerical Modeling: High-order Methods for Fractional Initial Value Problems and Meshfree Solvers for Partial Differential EquationsBengt FornbergAssistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Air Force Institute of Technology
Rachel RobeyApproaches to Multi-scale Challenges in Measurement and modeling of Geophysical FlowsJulie K. Lundquist / Ian Grooms / Keith JulienHiking and Bouldering at the moment!
Killian WoodAdvances in Stochastic Optimization with Decision-Dependent DistributionsEmiliano Dall'Anese, Stephen BeckerResearch Scientist at Numerica
Shimian (Sam) ZhangStatistical Models of Scientific Careers and Decision-makingAaron Clauset/ Daniel LarremorePostdoc at the Santa Fe Institute

Graduation Year 2023:

NameDissertation TitleFaculty AdvisorFirst Position After Graduation
Nicholas BarendregtAdaptive Decision-Making in Dynamic Environments Using Sequential Bayesian InferenceZack KilpatrickRA at the BioFrontiers Institute, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18
Abram EllisonGyroscopic PolynomialsKeith JulienSenior Algorithm Engineer at Universal Audio, Inc.
Shay GilpinA New Perspective on Covariance Propagation for Data Assimilation ApplicationsTomoko Matsuo/ Keith JulienPostdoc in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Arizona
Evan GormanLearning Sparse Representations of Hierarchically Structured Data with Applications to Comparative Metagenomics.Manuel LladserDARPA Innovation Fellow in Arlington, Virginia
Amanda HamptonOn the Three-dimensional, Quadratic Differomorphism: Anti-integrability, Attractors, and ChaosJames D MeissLecturer in Mathematics, Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia
Yifeng MaoTwo-phase Wave Interactions and Periodic Wavemaker Problem in Dispersive HydrodynamicsMark HoeferPostdoc at CU in Dispersive Hydrodynamics Lab
Ruyu TanMethods for Change Points Detection and Model Selection in State-Space ModelsVanja DukicData Scientist at Toyota Motor North America
Kris TuckerAnalyzing Properties of Driven-Dissipative Quantum Systems from the Mean Field to Machine LearningAna Maria Rey/ Juan RestrepoSoftware Engineer at NASK Incorporated


Graduation Year 2022:

NameDissertation TitleFaculty AdvisorFirst Position After Graduation
Allen Alvarez LoyaHigh-Order Methods for Wave Phenomena ÌýDaniel Appelo & Stephen Becker ÌýLos Alamos National Lab Ìý
Daniel Ferguson ÌýMachine Learning on Network-valued Data: The Spectral WayFrancois Meyer ÌýMicrosoft
Daniel MessengerWeak-form Sparse Identification of Differential Equations from Noisy MeasurementsDavid Bortz ÌýPostdoc at CU Boulder Ìý
Erin Ellefsen ÌýNonlocal Models with Applications in Ecology ÌýNancy RodriguezTenure-track professor at Earlham College Ìý
Graham O'ConnorSource Localization on Infection NetworksManuel LladserÌý
Kiera van der Sande ÌýContributions to Computational Techniques and Machine Learning for Applied ScienceNatasha Flyer & Bengt FornbergPostdoc at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder
Liam MaddenFirst-order Methods for Online and Stochastic Optimization, and Approximate Compiling ÌýEmiliano D'Allanese & Stephen Becker ÌýPostdoc at the University of British Columbia Ìý
Lyndsey WongMathematical Models of Wealth Distribution Through An Amenities-Based Theory ÌýNancy Rodriguez ÌýPostdoc at CU Boulder Ìý
Mingyu HuMicromagnetic modeling and waves in magnetic materials ÌýMark HoeferEngineer at Mathworks Ìý
Nicholas LandryContagion on Complex Systems: Structure and Dynamics ÌýJuan Restrepo ÌýAssistant Professor in Biology at the University of Virginia, interfacing with Biocomplexity Institute (*updated Apr '24)ÌýÌý
Richard Clancy ÌýMathematical Formulations with Uncertain Data in Optimization and Inverse Problems ÌýStephen Becker ÌýPrincipal Mathematician at Northrop Grumman
Samuel Ryskamp ÌýLine Soliton Interactions and Dispersive Magnetoelastic Waves ÌýMark Hoefer ÌýPredictive Modeler at Auto Owners Insurance
Subekshya BidariModels of Foraging Decisions in Social Animal GroupsZachary Kilpatrick ÌýPostdoc at Columbia University Ìý

Graduation Year 2021:

NameDissertation TitleFaculty AdvisorFirst Position After Graduation
Sabina AltusAnalysis of multi-structured population modelsDavid BortzPostdoctoral Fellow, CU
Zofia StanleyApplications of Mathematics to Climate Modeling: Analysis and Development of Ocean Parameterization and Multivariate Localization FunctionsIan Grooms/William KleiberResearch Scientist, CIRES/NOAA PSL
Osman Asif MalikTopics in Matrix and Tensor ComputationStephen BeckerPostdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
David GundermanDiscretization and Numerical Integration Schemes for Curved GeometriesJohn Evans/Bengt FornbergGilbreth Postdoctoral Fellow, Purdue University
Lucia Minah YangNumerical Analysis of Mixed Precision Algorithms and Time-steppers for Wave Turbulence, and Generative Modeling for Analogs in Data AssimilationIan GroomsPostdoctoral Doctoral Fellow, NYU
Jeremy L ThompsonLocal Fourier Analysis of Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Methods for High-Order Matrix-Free Finite ElementsJed BrownResearch Software Engineer, CU Boulder, PSAAP Center
Fortino GarciaNumerical Methods for Wave PhenomenaDaniel Appelo/Adrianna GillmanPostdoctoral Fellow, Courant Institute, NYU
Erik JohnsonMeasuring image resolution in super-resolution microscopy and Bayesian estimation of population size and overlap and vaccine effectivenessDaniel LarremoreBioinformatics Scientist, Invitae
Alec Michael DuntonMatrix Methods for Low-Rank Compresssion in Large-Scale ApplicationsAlireza DoostanPostdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Joy N. MuellerPrefect Simulated and Exact Analytic Solutions for Chemical Reaction Networks and A Level Set Inspired Image Segmentation AlgorithmJem CorcoranPostdoctoral Fellow, Sandia National Laboratory

Graduation Year 2020:

NameDissertation TitleFaculty AdvisorFirst Position After Graduation
Hao XuQualitative Analysis of Some Elliptic Differential EquationsCongming LiYinnuo Captial
Zhishen HuangTopics of Statistical Machine LearningStephen BeckerPostdoctoral Fellow, Michigan State University
Mitchell KrockSome Models for Large Spatial DataWilliam KleiberPostdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers
Harry DudleyDynamical System Analysis and Data-Drive Model Selection for Differential-Algebraic Equation Models of Microbial ElectrolysisDavid BortzÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18
Ashton WiensUsing Gaussian processes for registration and nonstationarity emulationWilliam KleiberUSGS
Wenqi ZhangStatistical Approaches to Assess High Frequency Variability of Solar IrradianceWilliam KleiberNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dylan AbrahamsenSpace-time evolution with readial basis functions and Hermite-based finite difference methodsBengt FornbergMaxar Technologies
Peter ShafferyUnderstanding the Variance Reduction Effect and Beyesian Structural Time Series for Behind-the-Meter DisaggregationVanja DukicData Scientist, Office of Data Analytics at the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18
Jacqueline WentzSpatial-temporal effects of diffusion in complex biochemical networksDavid BortzPostdoctoral Fellow, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18, Aerospace
Antony PearsonOn Hidden Structures in Contaminated Symbolic DataManuel LladserPostdoctoral Fellow, Auburn University, Mathematics and Statistics
Joshua AurandOptimal Control of Epstein-Zin Utility on Random Time HorizaonYu-Jui HuangPostdoctoral Fellow, Dublin City University, The School of Mathematical Sciences

Graduation Year 2019:

NameDissertation TitleFaculty AdvisorFirst Position After Graduation
Gregor RobinsonBeating the curse of dimensionality of sequential Monte Carlo for Bayesian inverse problems in nonlinear fluidsIan GroomsCitrine Informatics
Sama ShresthaMathematical and Statistical Insights into Couples Epizootic DynamicsVanja DukicPharmapace Inc
Jessica GronskiNon-Convex Optimization and Applications to Bilinear Programming and Super-Resolution ImagingStephen BeckerUnitedHealth Group
Eric KightleySparsified Gaussian Mixture ModelsStephen BeckerAmazon
Patrick SprengerGeneralized Riemann Problems in Dispersive HydrodynamicsMark HoeferPostdoctoral Fellow, NC State University, Mathematics Department
Nathan HeavnerBuilding Rank-Revealing Factorizations with RandomizationPer Gunnar MartinssonData Science at ICR, Inc.
Michelle MaidenDispersive Hydrodynamics is Viscous Fluid ConduitsMark HoeferSporian Microsystems
Tracy BabbAccelerated time-stepping of parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs via fast direct solvers for elliptic problemsPer Gunnar MartinssonÌý
Anna BroidoDescribing the Tails of Degree Distributions in Real-World NetworkdsAaron Clauset and Juan RestrepoMachine Learning Engineer at Apple Inc.

NCARMetro State
Software Architect at SpectraClarkson University
National Security AgencyGeorgia Institute of Technology
Los Alamos National LaboratoryUniversity of Washington
BioninformaticsDavidson College
Food and Water WatchFitchburg State University
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryMontclair State University
Scientist at MetOffice in UKAustr. National University
Ubiquity CorpWashington State University
Digital GlobeUniversity of Western Montana
PrudentialSeattle University
Cadence Design SystemBoise State
Exxon MobilUniversity of Illinois at Champagne Urbana
Yahoo! LabsTechnische Universitat Wein
Aerospace CorporationUniversity of Newfoundland
GrouponWabash College
Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryNational Central University
SpotRight IncPontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Center for Communicable DiseaseYonsei University of Seoul, Korea
National Institute of Standards and TechnologyPennsylvania University
Seagate TechnologyColorado State University
Walt Disney CompanyMorehouse College

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