CTL and ASSETT Faculty Fellows 2022-2023
Assistant Professor andAssociate Chair for Art History
Contemporary Art
Project: Teaching Generative AI Imagery [pdf]
CBR Fellow, PhD Candidate
Project: A Joint Project Supporting AI Literacyڱڱ
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Assistant Teaching Professor
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
ʰ:Establishing a mentorship system for EBIO teaching faculty [pdf]
Assistant Professor andAssociate Chair of Graduate Studies
German Program
ʰ:Talking about Teaching: German and Slavic Languages and Literatures Department Workshops[pdf]
Teaching Assistant Professor
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
ʰ:Utilizing Technology to Enhance Student Interactions with Primary Research Papers[pdf]
Teaching Assistant Professor
Creative Technology Design
ʰ:“How-To” Course Implementation in the Creative Technology and Design Program [pdf]
Assistant Teaching Professor
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Teaching Associate Professor
ʰ:OER Implementation and Student Collaborative Writing [pdf]