Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator
Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator Technology (Earlier Lab Work)
Lab Publications
- “Spatial light modulators: processing light in real time." Pierre R.Barbier, and Garret Moddel. "Optics and Photonics News 8.3 (1997): 16-21.
- "Degradation of liquid crystal device performance due to selective adsorption of ions," S. H.Perlmutter, D.Doroski, and G. Moddel, Appl. Phys.Lett., 69, 1182-1184 (1996).
- "Resolution limits from charge transport in optically addressed spatial light modulators," L. Wang, and G. Moddel, J. Appl. Physics, 78, 6923-6935 (1995).
- "Fringe visibility improvement using an asynchronous image-subtracting optically addressed spatial light modulator," J. P. Sharpe, P. R.Barbier, G. Moddel, and K. M. Johnson, Appl. Optics,34, 4013-4021 (1995).
- "Design of an optically addressed spatial light modulator sensitive to 1.55-µm write light," L. Wang and G. Moddel, Spatial Light Modulators and Applications, March 14-17, 1995, Salt Lake City, Utah, Technical Digest Series, Vol. 9 (OSA, Washington, DC, 1995), pp.89-92.
- "Ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulators," G. Moddel, Chap. 6 inSpatial Light Modulator Technology: Materials, Devices, and Applications, U.Efron, editor, (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995) pp. 287-359.
- "Effects of charge spreading on resolution of optically addressed spatial light modulators," L. Wang, and G. Moddel, OpticsLett., 19, 2033-2035 (1994).
- "Solitonswitching in ferroelectric liquid crystals and their transient electro-optic response," I.Abdulhalim, G. Moddel, and N. Clark, J. Appl. Phys., 76, 820-831 (1994).
- "Thin-filmphotosensordesign for liquid crystal spatial light modulators," P.R.Barbier, L. Wang, and G. Moddel, Opt. Engr., 33, 1322-1329 (1994).
- "Alignment layers for improved surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid-crystal devices," D.Doroski, S. H.Perlmutter, and G. Moddel, Appl. Optics, 33, 2608-2610 (1994).
- "High-reflectivity patterned metal mirror used in an optically addressed spatial light modulator," Q.h. Wu, S.H. Perlmutter, R.A. Rice, and G. Moddel, Opt. Engr., 33, 946-950 (1994).
- "Analysis of ions in ferroelectric liquid crystals from hysteresis curves," S.Perlmutter, D.Doroski, and G. Moddel, Ferroelectrics,149, 319-331 (1993).
- "An asynchronous image subtracting optically addressed spatial light modulator," P.R.Barbierand G. Moddel,Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1993,Vol. 297 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1993) pp. 993-998.
- "Integrating mode for an optically addressed spatial light modulator," A.M. Gabor, B.Landreth, and G. Moddel, Appl. Optics,32, 3064-3067 (1993).
- "Dynamicthresholdingwith the three-terminal optically addressed spatial light modulator," R.A. Rice, P.J. Close, and G. Moddel,Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1992,(Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1992), pp. 1087-1092.
- “Hydrogenated amorphous silicon photodiodes for optical addressing of spatial light modulators,” P.B.Barbier, and G. Moddel, Appl. Optics,31, 3898-3907 (1992).
- “Grey-scale response from optically addressed spatial light modulators incorporating surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals,” B.Landreth, and G. Moddel, Appl. Optics,31, 3937-3944 (1992).
- “Director-polarization reorientation via solitary waves in ferroelectric liquid crystals,” I.Abdulhalim, G. Moddel, and N.A. Clark, Appl. Phys.Lett., 60, 551-553 (1992).
- “Transient recovery ofa-Si:Hp-i-n photodiodes,” P.Barbier, and G. Moddel,J. Non-Cryst. Solids,137 & 138, 1301-1304 (1991).
- “Photovoltaic optically addressed spatial light modulator,” C.C. Mao, B.Landreth, K.M. Johnson, and G. Moddel, Ferroelectrics,122, 455-466 (1991).
- “Response time ofa-Si:Hphotodiodes for optically addressed spatial light modulators,” G. Moddel, and P.B.Barbier,Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1991,Vol. 219 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1991) pp. 155-165.
- “Operating characteristics of an optically addressed spatial light modulator incorporating distorted helix ferroelectric liquid crystal,” B.Landreth, C.C. Mao, and G. Moddel,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 30, 1400-1404 (1991).
- “Electrically and optically controlled light modulation and color switching using helix distortion of ferroelectric liquid crystals,” I.Abdulhalim, and G. Moddel, Mol.Cryst. Liq.Cryst.,200, 79-101 (1991).
- “Switching behavior and electro-optic response due to the soft mode ferroelectric effect in chiralsmecticA liquid crystals,” I.Abdulhalim, and G. Moddel, Liq.Cryst., 9, 493-518 (1991).
- “Optical phase conjugation using optically addressed chiralsmecticliquid crystal spatial light modulators,” C.C. Mao, K.M. Johnson, and G. Moddel, Ferroelectrics,114, 45-53 (1991).
- “Amorphous silicon for optically addressed spatial light modulators,” G. Moddel, Ch. 11 inAmorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductor Devices: Optoelectronic Devices, J.Kanicki, editor, (ArtechHouse, Norwood MA, 1991) pp. 369-412
- “High-speed, low-power optical phase conjugation using a hybrid amorphous silicon/ferroelectric-liquid-crystal device,” K.M. Johnson, C.C. Mao, G. Moddel, M.A.Handschy, and K. Arnett, OpticsLett.,15, 1114-1116 (1990).
- “Compensating for light soaking effects in optically addressed spatial light modulators incorporatinga-Si:Hphotodiodes,” C.M. Walker, B.Landreth, and G. Moddel,Amorphous Silicon Technology,Vol. 192, (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1990) pp. 467-472.
- “Joint transformcorrelatorusing an amorphous silicon ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulator,” D.A. Jared, K.M. Johnson, and G. Moddel, OpticsCommun.,76, 97-102 (1990).
- "Optically addressedelectroclinicliquid crystal spatial light modulator with ana-Si:Hphotodiode," I.Abdulhalim, G. Moddel, K.M. Johnson, and C.M. Walker, J. Non-Cryst. Solids,115, 162-164 (1989).
- "A three-terminal spatial light modulator optically addressed by ana-Si:Hphotosensor," R.A. Rice, G. Moddel, I.Abdulhalim, and C.M. Walker, J. Non-Cryst. Solids,115, 96-98 (1989).
- "High-speed analog spatial light modulator using ana-Si:Hphotosensorand anelectroclinicliquid crystal," I.Abdulhalim, G. Moddel, and K.M. Johnson, Appl. Phys.Lett. 55, 1603-1605 (1989).
- "High speed binary optically addressed spatial light modulators," G. Moddel, K.M. Johnson, W. Li, R. A. Rice L.A. Pagano-Stauffer, and M.A.Handschy, Appl. Phys.Lett. 55, 537-539 (1989).
- "Motivations for using ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulators inneurocomputing," K.M. Johnson and G. Moddel, Appl. Opt.,28, 4888-4899 (1989).
- "Hydrogenated amorphous-siliconphotosensorfor optically addressed high-speed spatial light modulators," W. Li, R.A. Rice, G. Moddel, L.A. Pagano-Stauffer, and M.A.Handschy, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 36, 2959-2964 (1989).
- "Optical addressing of high-speed spatial light modulators witha-Si:H," G. Moddel, C.T.Kuo, K.M. Johnson and W. Li,Amorphous Silicon Technology,Vol. 118 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1988) pp. 405-410.
- "Electro-optic applications of ferroelectric liquid crystals to optical computing," M.A.Handschy, K.M. Johnson, G. Moddel and L.A. Pagano-Stauffer, Ferroelectrics85,279-289 (1988).