Fall 2025 Graduate Courses

HIST 5000-801: Historical Methods: Introduction to the Professional Study of History - John Willis

This course is designed to introduce graduate students in the Department of History to the study of the discipline. Students learn about a wide range of historical methodologies and ideas that have shaped - and continue to shape - our field. We will critically engage and analyze the work of prominent (and lesser known) scholars whose writings reflect important historical themes. We will disagree with some, challenge the methodologies, sources, and argumentation of others, and find inspiration in thinking of new ways to further our own research. One of the course's main focuses is on writing, analysis, and argumentation, all of which are skills that we will continue to hone throughout the semester. We will also spend time learning about professional aspects of the field, from writing book reviews, to submitting articles to journals, to attending national conferences.

HIST 5554-801: Researching European Jewish Life - Thomas Pegelow Kaplan

This class is a research and learning initiative of CU Boulder's History Department with the Department of History, Philosophy, and Jewish Studies at the Open University of Israel and the Center for Research in Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. It revolves around an in-person research seminar in Europe. Topics will vary, beginning with a focus on autobiographical documents in the study of twentieth-century German Jewish life.