Submit Your Work

°Õ³ó±ðÌýHonors Journal is now accepting submissions for the 2026 issue!

°Õ³ó±ðÌýHonors Journal is now accepting submissions! Submit by December 31, 2025.  °Õ³ó±ðÌýHonors Journal is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal that accepts submissions from all undergraduates who attend the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18. Students do not need to be a part of the Honors Program to submit their work or be selected for publication. °Õ³ó±ðÌýJournal is published in both print and digital editions.

Please submit through our . (Please note that the website might have issues loading in the Chrome browser—if you have trouble, please use Safari, Firefox, or a different browser.)

  • Please Register (create a username & password) on the site to submit your work.
  • When you register:  For "Affiliation" you can list ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18 and/or a research lab with which you are affiliated.
  • Please Log in to submit additional work after you register.

Art & Open Media Submission Requirements:

  • In the box for the ABSTRACT:  Please write an Artist's Statement, Media Type,Ìý²¹²Ô»å Dimensions (height x width x depth in inches) of the artwork, as applicable.
  • Please submit all images as a high-resolution (at least 300 DPI) .jpeg file
  • Artwork in which the name cannot be removed will be excluded from the requirement to remove all personal information from the piece

General Submission Requirements:

  • Remove all personal information from submissions, including name, course name, professor name, etc.
  • Essays, papers, and thesis submissions must include proper citation format (e.g. MLA, APA, or Chicago), in the form of a bibliography or works cited page, footnotes, and/or in-text citations, as appropriate to the work.
  • Submissions of any length are accepted.  Longer works submitted may be displayed in full in the journal's digital edition with only an abstract or short excerpt in the print edition.
  • Please fill out a separate submission form for each piece you submit.
  • All text submissions (papers, essays, or poems) should be submitted as an editable document (such as a Mircosoft Word document), not a pdf.
  • Only submit your own work (do not submit someone else's work on their behalf).
  • Do not submit any work for which someone else holds the copyright (e.g. images, text, music, video clips, etc.).
  • Please direct any questions to

We accept submissions in each of the following categories:

  • Art
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Environmental Design and Engineering
  • Fiction
  • Gender & Ethnic Studies (includes: text-based, visual, performance, spoken word, and other forms of work that address gender and racial-ethnic identity and/or oppression)
  • Humanities (includes: literature, philosophy, history, and other disciplines in the Humanities)
  • Natural Sciences (includes: biology, ecology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, geography, and other disciplines in the Natural Sciences)
  • Open Media (includes:  digital art, music or audio, video, dance, documentaries, film, musical or theatrical or dance performances, set design, advertising, and art produced through other means)
  • Poetry
  • Social Sciences (includes: geography, anthropology, sociology, international affairs, and other disciplines in the Social Sciences)

Please submit through our submission website (please Register—create a username & password—on the site to submit your work; Log in to submit subsequent pieces): 

Submitting an Honors Thesis to the Honors Journal

You can submit an honors thesis to the Honors Journal, provided you are not planning to submit your thesis to a different publication (in its full or shorter form).

There is not a guarantee that your thesis will be published.

For more technical scientific theses, if your work is selected for publication, we will request a Lay Summary of the work.

Undergraduate students who graduate from CU have until December 31 following their graduation to submit work to the Honors Journal.

Please reach out to Dr. Hickcox with any questions (