

  1. Congratulations to Nakul Sridhar for his successful final defense and his new job at Raytheon. We wish him a bright future!
  2. Congratulations to Apresio Kefin Fajrial for his successful final defense and his new job at Intel. We wish him a bright future!


  1. Welcome Sen Gao and Sunwoo Sohn join us as PhD students!
  2. Yu Gao, Nakul and Kefin will present their work in MicroTAS 2023 in Poland! Enjoy the trip. 
  3. Congratulations to the NSF STC Award on New Frontiers of Sound, we are fortunate and proud to be part of it! (/today/2023/09/07/cu-boulder-will-help-explore-new-frontiers-sound-through-30m-center?utm_campaign=research_news&utm_source=organic_social_chancellor&utm_medium=li&utm_content=new_center_for_sound_09082023&utm_term=) 
  4. Congratulations to Nakul and Kefin for their work published in Science Advances!
  5. Welcome Dr. Farooq to join us as a postdoctoral associate!


  1. Congratulations to Nakul and Dr. Ding for their Colorado Lab Venture Challenge 2022 Award to commercialize the Biotechnologies innovated in our own lab! (/venturepartners/2022/11/07/internal-news/cu-boulder-innovators-awarded-125-million-commercialization-funding)
  2. Congratulations to Nakul for their work published in Lab on a Chip!
  3. Congratulations to Yu Gao and Kun Liu for their work published in Nano Letters!
  4. Congratulations to Funda for her Teets Family Endowed Doctoral Fellowship!
  5. Welcome Leyla Akh to join us as PhD students!
  6. Funda Kus was selected to receive the Singh Graduate Fellowship. Cheers!
  7. Congratulations to Dr. Ding for being selected to receive the prestigious Penn State 2022 Graduate School Alumni Society Early Career Award From Penn State Provost Nicholas P. Jones.  ""
  8. Congratulations to Gazendra Shakya for his paper published in Nature Communication!
  9. Congratulations to Kieran Fung for his paper published in Journal of Membrane Science Letter!
  10. Congrats to Ian Elliott for officially being a PhD student!


  1. Congratulations to Gazendra Shakya for his successful PhD defense and his new job in ETH! We are wishing him well for his future career!
  2. Congratulations to Kefin for his paper published in Lab On a Chip!
  3. Welcome Funda Kus, Kun Liu, and Meiou Song to join us as PhD students, and Ian Elliott as the research assistant!
  4. Welcome Sean Spindler and Daniel Rivkin who join our lab as undergraduate researchers!
  5. I am thrilled to announce the exciting news that Dr. Ding was selected to receive the NIH MIRA Award R35 for Early Stage Investigator from NIH NIGMS to support our research! (/mechanical/2021/07/28/ding-lab-aims-improve-cancer-fighting-immunotherapies-18m-grant)
  6. ​Dr. Ding was selected to receive the Bruce S. Anderson Engineering Faculty Fellow Award at CU! 


  1. ​Kefin Fajrial was selected to receive the Singh Graduate Fellowship, a sweet Christmas gift, Cheers!
  2. Gazendra Shakya was selected to receive the Thomas & Brenda GEERS Graduate Fellowship, a sweet Christmas gift, Cheers!
  3. Congratulations to Kefin and Kun for their work published in Analytical Chemistry highlighted as front cover story.
    • (
    • /engineering/2020/12/08/research-shows-potential-universal-and-efficient-way-explore-cell-mechanics
  4. Dr. Ding was selected as Colorado Lab Venture Challenge 2020 winners to commercialize the Biotechnologies innovated in our own lab! (/venturepartners/2020/11/23/lab-venture-challenge-awards-record-breaking-135-million-promising-cu-boulder-ventures)
  5. Congratulations to Yu for the review paper accepted in Biomaterials Science and highlighted as back cover story. (
  6. Dr. Ding was selected as Biomaterials Science Emerging Investigators 2021!
    • /engineering/2021/01/05/mechanical-researchers-featured-biomaterials-science
  7. Our recent findings were highlighted by
    • PhysOrg,
    • ​M±ð»å²µ²¹»å²µ±ð³Ù,Ìý³ó³Ù³Ù±è²õ://·É·É·É.³¾±ð»å²µ²¹»å²µ±ð³Ù.³¦´Ç³¾/2020/10/³Ü±ô³Ù°ù²¹²õ´Ç³Ü²Ô»å-»å±ð±¹¾±³¦±ð-³Ù´Ç-°ù²¹±è¾±»å±ô²â-»å¾±²¹²µ²Ô´Ç²õ±ð-²õ¾±³¦°ì±ô±ð-³¦±ð±ô±ô-»å¾±²õ±ð²¹²õ±ð.³ó³Ù³¾±ô
    • Tech Genez,
    • Eurekalert,
    • Medical Dialogues,
    • News BREAK, 
    • News medical,
    • MedIndia,
    • Brightsurf,
    • Technologynetwork,
    • alkhaleejtoday,
  8. Congratulations to Kefin for his Teets Family Endowed Doctoral Fellowship!
  9. Congratulations to our recently accepted paper to Small as Front Cover story (, Excellent Job, Yonghui and Yu Gao!
  10. Congratulations! Our paper was accepted to Theranostics, Excellent Job, Kefin!
  11. Congratulations! Our paper was accepted to Science Advances, Excellent Job, Gazendra!
  12. Dr. Ding was selected to receive the prestigious W.M. Keck Foundation Medical Research Grant Award, Congratulations! (/engineering/2020/02/06/keck-funded-research-offers-new-tool-understand-cells-better)


  1. Congratulations to Dr. Ding for his RIO Seed Grant Award.
  2. Congratulations to Dr. Ding for his CCTSI Novel Method Development Pilot Award.
  3. Congratulations to Yonghui Ding for his new position as a research faculty at Northwestern University, wish you a bright future!
  4. Congratulations to Kun Liu for her admission to UIUC.
  5. Welcome Adam Vega to join our lab as undergraduate researcher.
  6. Congratulations to Kefin Fajrial for his paper accepted to the journal of Nanotechnology (Nanotechnology 30 (26), 264002).
  7. Congratulations! Our paper was accepted to the journal of Micromachines (Micromachines 10 (12), 839).


  1. Welcome new PhD student Nakul Sridhar to join our Biomedical Microfluidics Lab!
  2. Welcome Dr. Yonghui Ding and Dr. Yu Gao to join us as Postdoc researchers!
  3. Welcome Kun Liu to join us as Undergraduate researcher!


  1. Dr. Ding was invited to give a talk at the 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies in Norfolk, VA, on September 25, 2017.
  2. Dr. Ding was invited to give a lecture presentation at the 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in New Orleans, Louisiana on December 6, 2017.
  3. Welcome to the new PhD students in the Biomedical Microfluidics Lab, Gazendra, Mike, Varun, and Kefin!
  4. Congratulations to the opening of Dr. Ding's Biomedical Microfluidics Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18. (2017)
  5. Congratulations to our publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering (Xiaoyun Ding, Martin P Stewart, Armon Sharei, James Weaver, Robert Langer, Klavs F Jensen, , Nature Biomedical Engineering, 0039 (2017))


  1. Congratulations to our publication in Nature (Martin P Stewart, Armon Sharei, Xiaoyun Ding, Gaurav Sahay, Robert Langer, Klavs F Jensen, , Nature 538 (7624), 183-192 (2016))