Aradhya, A., Pollack, A., Gasiewski, A., "Software Defined Radios for Absolute Radiometric Measurements of the Radio-Frequency Interference Environment in the Vicinity of a Radio Telescope", NRSM URSI, 2023.
DeBoer, D., Gifford, K.K., Clegg, C., Pollack, A., Farah, W., Siemion, A., Weihe, G., Lofquist, M. Tschimben, S., "Spectrum sharing to improve Radio Astronomy scientific observations", NRSM URSI, 2023.
Edwards,. E., Wagner, R., Zemba, M., Millard, W., Braham, S., Gifford, K.K., Somerlock, O., "3GPP Mobile Telecommunications Technology on the Moon", IEEE Aerospace,, March 2023.
Papadopoulos, N., Lofquist, M., Clegg, A., Gifford, K.K., "Spectrum Sharing Dynamic Protection Area Neighborhoods for Radio Astronomy", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC),, March 2023.
Some, E., Gasiewski, A., "Software Defined Radio Injection-Locking using a GPS signal for multichannel coherent receivers", IEEE Aerospace, 978-1-6654-9032-0/23/,March 2023.
Tschimben, S., Aradhya, A., Weihe, G., Lofquist, M., Pollak, A., Farah, W., DeBoer, D., and Gifford, K.K., "Testbed for Radio Astronomy Interference Characterization and Spectrum Sharing Research", IEEE Aerospace,, March 2023.
Tschimben, S., Weihe, G., Aradhya, A., "Outdoor Power Measurements of Wi-Fi Traffic on the Ƶ18 Campus", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC),,March 2023.
E.Eichen, “Impact of new 5G network components on out-of-band emissions at 23.8 GHz”, RFI 2022 (Reading UK February 2022): URSI
K. D. Gremban and P. Kolodzy, “Leveraging Commercial Communications for Defense IoT,” in IoT for Defense and National Security, Wiley-IEEE Press, December 2022.
Papadopoulos, N, "Spectrum Sharing Dynamic Protection Area Neighborhoods for Radio Astronomy", Rocky Mountain AIAA, September 2022, Boulder CO.
R. Douglass, K. D. Gremban, A. Swami, S. Gerali, editors,IoT for Defense and National Security, Wiley-IEEE Press, December 2022.
S. Llosa, G. Weihe, E. Morris, S. Tschimben, K. Gifford, T. Lehman, "SecureRPi: A Comparison Study of Hardware and Software Security on IoT Devices", Rocky Mountain AIAA, 2022.
Stefan Tschimben and Kevin Gifford, ”Anomaly Detection with Autoencoders for Spectrum Sharing and Monitoring”, 2022 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR), 2022, pp. 1-6.
Stevenson, Graham and Morris, Eloise, "In Search of a Common Spectrum Vocabulary: Spectrum Sharing and Interference Taxonomies", April 30, 2022,.
Tschimben, S., Subray, S., Sanders, A., and Wunderlich, A., "Collection Methods for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Recordings in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Bands with Low-Cost Software Defined Radios", NIST Technical Note 2237, September 2022, Boulder, CO,.
E.Eichen, “Performance of Real-Time Geospatial Spectrum Sharing (RGSS) between 5G Communication Networks and Earth Exploration Satellite Services,” 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2021, pp. 73-79, doi: 10.1109/DySPAN53946.2021.9677268.
Stefan Tschimben, Siddhartha Subray, and Kevin Gifford, ”Towards Enhancing Spectrum Sensing: Signal Classification Using Autoencoders,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 82288-82299, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3087113.
- Walton, C., O'Dell, C., "Bridging Analog Land Mobile Radio to LTE Mission Critical Push-to-Talk Communications",NISTIR 8338, December 2020,
"An Interference Analysis Framework (IAF) for Spectrum Sharing Feasibility and Coexistence Determination", M Lofquist - 2019
"Characterizing LTE User Equipment Emissions: Factor Screening", J Coder, J Coder, A Wunderlich, M Frey, P Blanchard, Mark Lofquist, …, 2019
E. Eichen, “Real-Time Geographical Spectrum Sharing by 5G Networks and Earth Exploration Satellite Services,” 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2019, doi: 10.1109/DySPAN.2019.8935715.
Some, E., Gifford, K.K., “Performance Evaluation of MIMO techniques with an SDR”, 2019 Gnu Radio Conference (GRCon2019), Huntsville, AL, September 2019.
Stefan Tschimben, Kevin Gifford and Roland Brown, ”IEEE 802.11ah SDR Implementation and Range Evaluation,” 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WCNC.2019.8885445.
Tschimben, S., Gifford, K.K., Brown, R., “IEEE 802.11ah SDR implementation and range performance evaluation”, 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, April 2019.
E. Eichen et al., " “Implementing multiple identities in IMS/VoLTE networks using implicit registration,” 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, 2018, pp. 1-6., doi: 10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377019
Sanders, F. H., Davis, K., and Gremban, K. D., “A 53 Year History of Spectrum Efficiency Studies and Recommended Future Directions,” National Telecommunications and Information Administration, NTIA Report 18-530, 2018
Strayer, T., Nelson, S., Caro, A., Khoury, J., Tedesco, B., DeRosa, O., Clark, C., Sadeghi, K., Matthews, M., Kurzer, J., Lundrigan, P., Kawadia, V., Ryder, D., Gremban, K., Phoel, W., Content sharing with mobility in an infrastructureless environment. Computer Networks, 144:1-16, October 2018.
"3.5 GHz radar waveform capture at Fort Story", P Hale, J Jargon, P Jeavons, M Lofquist, M Souryal… - NIST TN 1954, 2017
"3.5 GHz radar waveform capture at Point Loma" P Hale, J Jargon, P Jeavons, M Lofquist, M Souryal… - Technical Note 1967, and 2017
"Using Smartphones for Electromagnetic Spectrum Forensics", M Lofquist, D Reed - Available at SSRN 2939897, 2017
Elliot Eichen , “Smartphone Docking Stations and Strongly Converged VoIP Clients for Fixed-Mobile Convergence,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking (WCNC) pp 3140-3144 (2012) 10.1109/WCNC.2012.6214346
K. Murray, J. Lowrance, K. Sharpe, D. Williams, K. Gremban, K. Holloman, C. Speed, and R. Tynes, “Toward Culturally Informed Option Awareness for Influence Operations with S-CAT,” 4th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction (SBP11), Springer, vol. 6589, pp. 2-9, March 2011.
Gifford, K.K., Williams, S., Maiorani, L., Marshall, B. and Sotola, M., “BioNet Middleware and Software framework in Support of Space Operations”, AIAA SpaceOps 2010, AIAA-2010-2251, Huntsville, AL, April 2010.
Jenkins, A., Kuzminsky, S., Gifford, K.K., Pitts, R.L. and Nichols, K., “Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking: Flight Test Results from the International Space Station”, 2010 IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 2010.
K. Murray, J. Lowrance, K. Sharpe, D. Williams, K. Gremban, K. Holloman, and C. Speed, “Capturing culture and effects variables using structured argumentation.” 1st International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making, 2010.
Pitts, R., Nichols, K., Holbrook, M., Gifford, K.K., Kuzminsky, S. and Jenkins, A., “DTN Implementation and Utilization Options on the International Space Station”, AIAA SpaceOps 2010, AIAA-2010-2173, Huntsville, AL, April 2010.
Fink, P.W., Gifford, K.K., Barton, R.J., Wagner, R.S., and Ngo, P.H., “Unified Communications for Space Inventory Management”, AIAA Space Conference, AIAA 2009-6550, Pasadena, CA, September 2009.
"Determination of Detection Thresholds to Allow Safe Operation of Television Band 'White Space' Devices" MA McHenry, K Steadman, M Lofquist - 2008 3rd IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, 2008
Gifford, K.K., Braham, S., “Wireless network systems to support NASA’s Exploration Vision” AIAAInfoTech@Aerospace2007, Paper # AIAA-2007-2927, Rohnert Park, CA, May 2007.
Hoehn, A., and Gifford, K.K., et al, “Science Research and Education Modules for the CGBA Spaceflight Incubator”, SAE International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Paper 2007-01-3188, Chicago, IL, July 2007.
K. Sharpe, K. Gremban, and K. Holloman, “Evaluating the impact of culture on planning and executing multinational joint force stability, security, transition and reconstruction operations,” 5th International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations, 2007.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements Loring Commerce Centre Limestone, Maine" September 18-20, 2007, T Erpek, M Lofquist, K Patton - The Shared Spectrum Company, 2007
Gifford, K.K., Kuzminsky, S., Williams, S., and Saiz, J., “BioNet: A developer-centric middleware architecture for heterogeneous devices and protocols” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 2006.
Plancke, P., Saiz, J., Hernandez-Velasco, I., Gifford, K.K., and Carron, C., “Wireless Communications and Interfaces Onboard Spacecraft” AIAA SpaceOps 2006 Conference, Rome, Italy, June 2006.
Gifford, K.K., Kuzminsky, S., Williams, S., "An Integrated Architecture for Advanced Environmental and Physiological Monitoring", SAE International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Paper 2005-01-2874, Rome, Italy, July 2005.
"The Modular S-Band Radio Suite", D Pedtke, M Lofquist, K Kohlhepp - 2004
F. Hinchion, P. Mulgaonkar, K. Gremban, K. Nicewarner, D. Wilkins, and S. Galuga, “Peer to peer information management for tactical situation awareness systems,” IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2003.
Hoehn, A., Clawson, J., Freeman, J., Genova, J., Gifford, K.K., Stodieck, L., "Thermal Design of a Spaceflight Plant Chamber Payload", 32nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), SAE-paper 2003-01-2583, Vancouver, Canada, July 2003.
Gifford, K.K., "A Modular Approach to Payload Communications and Control", AIAA ISS Utilization Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, October 2001.
"Israel, R.; Fang, Y.; Cohen, P.; Eichen, E., “Configuration management of large IP telephony networks”, NOMS 2000. 2000 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium `The Networked Planet: Management Beyond 2000' p.435-446 (2000)
"Rong, R.; Brooks, D.; Fu, G.; Eichen, E., “Web-based expert system for automated DSL loop qualification”, NOMS 2000. 2000 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium `The Networked Planet: Management Beyond 2000' p 201-213 (2000)
"Eichen, E.; Brooks, D.; Burch, D.; Chippada, R.; Cousins, S.,Gang, Fu; Lambert, G., Rong, R.; Ruban, G., “DSTS: An expert system for diagnosis of advanced digital subscriber services”, NOMS 98. 1998 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.98CH36158) Part vol.3 p.795-804 vol.3 (1998)
Hoehn, A., Forsman, A., Forsyth, S.W., Gifford, K.K., Heyenga, A.G., Sterrett, K.S., Scovazzo, P., and Stodieck, L., "Performance and Applicability to Advanced Life Support of the PGBA Plant Growth Facility", 3rd International Conference on Life Support and BioSpherics (January 1998). Published in Life Support and Biosphere Science, International Journal of Earth Space.
"Silver, B.; Qian, Z.;Moghe, M.; Eichen,E.; Doleac,J.,Bhatnagar,R.;Friedman,A., “TCAF: preemptive fault detection in telephone networks”, : NOMS 98. 1998 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.98CH36158) Part vol.2 p.523-30 vol.2 (1998)
B. A. Anderson, K. D. Gremban, and B. Young, “Shipyard operational improvement through process management.” 1997 Ship Production Symposium, 1997.
Hoehn, A., Forsman, A., Forsyth, S.W., Gifford, K.K., Heyenga, A.G., Sterrett, K.S., Scovazzo, P., and Stodieck, L., "Plant Life Support During 16 Days in Microgravity", Annual Meeting, American Society of Gravitational and Space Biology. ASGSB Bulletin, vol.11 (1), 1997.
K. D. Gremban, G. L. Miller, and S-H Teng, “Moments of inertia and graph separators,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 1(1):79-105, 1997
Gifford, K.K., and Murphy, R.R., "Incorporating Uncertainties in Autonomous Vehicle Path Planning", Intelligent Robotics and Systems, IEEE/IROS, Osaka, Japan, 1996.
Gifford, K.K., "Uncertainties in Autonomous Vehicle Path Planning", Space and Robotics for Challenging Environments, ASCE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996.
Hoehn, A., Chamberlain, D.J., Forsyth, S.W., Gifford, K.K., Hanna, D.S., Horner, M.B., Scovazzo, P., Smith, J., Stodieck, L.S., Todd, P.W., "Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus: A Plant Growth Facility for Space Flight Biotechnology Research", Sixth European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space, Trondheim, Norway, 1996.
Horner, M.B., Hoehn, A., Edwards, M.T., Gifford, K.K., Rupert, M.A., Knudsen, J.A., Ansicar, T.R., Stodieck, L.S., "Development of a Carbonated Beverage System for use in Space: Results of Ground-based and KC-135 Reduced Gravity Testing", Sixth European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space, Trondheim, Norway, 1996.
K. D. Gremban, “Combinatorial preconditioners for large, sparse, positive definite linear systems.” Ph.D. thesis, available as technical report CMU-CS-96-123.
Mackison, D.L., and Gifford, K.K., “ATTDES – An Expert System for Satellite Attitude Determination and Control”, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Austin, TX, February 1996.
Gifford, K.K., and Morgenthaler, G.W., "Optimal Path Coverage Strategies for Planetary Rover Vehicles", 46th International Astronautical Congress, Paper IAF-95- Q.1.07, Oslo, Norway, 1995.
Gifford, K.K., "RoboCar: Software, Hardware, and Mechanical Design Issues for the University of Colorado Autonomous Rover Vehicle", SPIE conference (invited paper), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1995.
K. D. Gremban, G. L. Miller, and M. Zagha, “Performance evaluation of a new parallel preconditioner.” 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium, 1995
"Silver, B.; Moghe, M.; Eichen, E.; Doleac, J.;Bhatnagar, R. Zhaogang, Qian; Wan, H., Brooks, D., “Preemptive detection of failure in telephone networks”, GLOBECOM '95. Communications for Global Harmony. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Technical Program Conference Record (Cat. No.95CH35756) Part vol.3 p.1840-4 vol.3 (1995)
Gifford, K.K., and Morgenthaler, G.W., "Efficient Path-Planning Strategies for Manned/Unmanned Vehicles", Space and Robotics for Challenging Environments, ASCE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1994.
K. D. Gremban and K. Ikeuchi, “Planning multiple observations for object recognition.” The International Journal of Computer Vision, 12(2/3): 137-172, 1994
"Schlafer, J.; Rideout, W.; Abdalla, M.; Eichen, E.; Russell, W. Niland, W.;Meland, E., Powazinik, W.; LaCourse, J., “Wide-bandwidth 1.3 mu m integrated lossless tap and optical preamplifier”, Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol.2149 p.54-62 (1994)
"Zemon, S.; Budman, A.; Wei, T.; Eichen, E.; Ma, K.T., “Decay of transmitted light during fiber breaks-implications for break location”, Journal of Lightwave Technology vol.11 no.9 p.1532-5 (1994)
Gifford, K.K., and Morgenthaler, G.W., "Minimum Energy Paths for the Martian Surface", The Case for Mars V, Boulder, Colorado, 1993.
K. D. Gremban and K. Ikeuchi, “Appearance-based vision and the automatic generation of object recognition programs.” Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Systems, A. K. Jain and P. J. Flynn (editors), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993
"Rideout, W.; Schlafer, J.; Abdalla, M.; Eichen, E.; Russell, W.; Niland, W.; Meland, E.; Powazinik, W., “Selective regrowth of a wide-bandwidth 1.3 mu m integrated lossless tap and optical preamplifier”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol.5, no.7 p.797-800 (1993)
"Rideout, W.; Schlafer, J.; Abdalla, M.; Eichen, E.; Russell, W.; Niland, W.; Meland, E.; Powazinik, W., “Wide-bandwidth integrated optical amplifier photodetector lossless tap”, Opt FiberCommun Conf OFC 93. Vol. 4 of 1993 OSA Technical Digest Series Publ by Optical Soc of America, Washington, DC, USA (1993)
"Budman, E. Eichen, J. Schlafer, R. Olshansky, and F. McAleavey, “Multigigabit Optical Packet Switch for Self-routing Networks with Subcarrier Addressing”, Opt FiberCommun Conf OFC 92. Publ by Optical Soc of America, Washington, DC, USA (IEEE cat n 90CH2821-7). p 90 (1992).
"Eichen, E.G.; Schlafer, J.; Rideout, W.C.; Powazinik, W., “High-speed photodetectors using selective regrowth”, Symposium on Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices 9210151 Somerset, NJ (USA) 22-26 Mar 1992 (1992)
"Schlafer, J; Eichen, E; Sharfin, W; Shukla, V; and Lauer, R; “Strained InGaAs Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser transmitters for analog modulated subcarrier multiplexed video transmission?, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol. 12 of OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1992), paper CFB3
"Schlafer, J.; Rideout,W.; Russell,W.; Abdalla,m.; Niland,W.; Eichen,E.; Powazinik,W., “Selective Regrowth of a Low Reflectivity Integrated Optical Preamplifier”, Lasers and Electro Optics Topical Meeting, ppB41-B42 (1992)
"Eichen, E. ; Boudreau, R. ; Morrison, R. ; Frost, C. ; Foley, B., “Low-Loss, Packaged, 2x2 Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Switch”, Topical Meeting on Optical Amplifiers and their Applications, Volume 13”, AD-A252 974, p245-248.(1991).
"Eichen, E.; Powazinik, W.; Meland, E.; Bryant, R.; Rideout, W.; Schlafer, J.; Lauer, R, “Integrated optical preamplifier technology for optical signal processing and optical communications systems”, Proceedings of the SPIE vol.1474 p.260-7, (1991).
"E. Eichen, W.J. Miniscalco, J. McCabe, and T. Wei, ", “Lossless 2x2 All-Fiber Optical Routing Switch”, OFC'90 Postdeadline Paper PD20 (1990).
"Eichen, E.; Boudreau,R.; Foley, B.; Crost,C.; Sargent, R.; Vo, K., “Optical Amplifiers for Photonic Switching”, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting pp 250-254 (1990).
"Eichen, E.; McCabe, J.; Miniscalco, W.J.; Olshansky, R.; “FM microwave multiplexed broad-band distribution systems using Er/sup 3+/ fiber amplifiers and preamplifiers”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol.1 no.3 p.220-2 (1990)
"Eichen, E.; Miniscalo, W.J.; McCabe, J.; Wei, T.; Dakss, M.; Andrews, L., “Active fibre, optical attenuators”, ECOC 90. 16th European Conference on Optical Communication p.567-70 vol.1 (1990)
"Eichen, E.; Schlafer, J.; Rideout, W.; McCabe, J., “Wide-bandwidth receiver photodetector frequency response measurements using amplified spontaneous emission from a semiconductor optical amplifier”, Journal of Lightwave Technology vol.8, no.6 p.912-16 (1990)
"Levinson, M; Eichen, E; Rossoni, P; Ditcheck, B.M; “Si-TaSi2 eutectic photodiodes with high efficiency and high spatial resolution from the UV to 1.06 μm?, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol. 7 of OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1990), paper CTHQ3.
"Miniscalco, W. J.; Thompson, B. A.; Eichen, Elliott; Wei, T., “Very high gain Er3 plus fiber amplifier pumped at 980 nm” : Technical Digest Series 1990 Opt FiberCommun Conf OFC 90. Publ by Optical Soc of America, Washington, DC, USA (IEEE cat n 90CH2821-7). p 192 (1990).
"Eichen, E.; Silletti, A., “Nonlinear generation of high power millimeter wave optical intensity modulation”, Journal: Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol.995 p.38-46 (1989)
"Olshansky, R.; Eichen, E.; Lanzisera, V., “Subcarrier multiplexed lightwave networks for broadband distribution”, IEEE International Conference on Communications. BOSTONICC/89. World Prosperity Through Communications (Cat. No.89CH2655-9) p.982-6 vol.2 (1989)
"Rideout, W.; Eichen, E.; Schlafer, J.; Lacourse, J.; Meland, E., “Relative intensity noise in semiconductor optical amplifiers”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol.1, no.12 p.438-40 (1989)
M. A. Turk, D. G. Morgenthaler, K. D. Gremban, and M. Marra, “VITS - A vision system for autonomous land vehicle navigation.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. T-PAMI 10(3): 342-360, 1988
"Olshansky, R.; Eichen, E., “Microwave-multiplexed wideband lightwave systems using optical amplifiers for subscriber distribution”, Electronics Letters vol.24, no.15 p.922-3 (1988)
"Eichen, E.; Silletti, A., “Bandwidth measurements of ultrahigh-frequency optical detectors using the interferometric FM sideband technique”, Journal of Lightwave Technology vol.LT-5, no.10 p.1377-81 (1987)
"Eichen, E.; Silletti, A.; Carlsen, W.J.; Melman, P.; Cook, K., “Fiber based chirpe frequency interferometric distance sensor”, Topical Meeting on Machine Vision, Optical Society of America, Technical Digest Series Vol.12 p.30-33 (1987)
"Eichen, Elliot (Ed.), “Progress in Semiconductor Laser Diodes”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering v 723. (1987)
"Eichen, Elliot, “Generation of High Power Optical Signals for 10-100GHz Optical Transmission”, International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves 12th., p 142-143 (1987)
"Eichen, E, “Interferometric generation of high-power, microwave frequency, optical harmonics”, Applied Physics Letters vol.51, no.6 p.398-400 (1987)
"Eichen, E.; Silletti, A., “FM sideband technique for measuring the frequency response of ultrahigh frequency optical detectors”, Optical Fiber Communication Conference; Sixth International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication (OFC/IOOC '87) 8710041 Reno, NV (USA) pp19-22 Jan (1987)
"Hill, P.; Schlafer, J.; Powazinik, W.; Urban, M.; Eichen, E.; Olshansky, R.”Measurement of hole velocity in n-type InGaAs”, Applied Physics Letters vol.50, no.18 p.1260-2 (1987)
"Newstein, M.; Eichen, E.; Melman, P.; Nelson, W.H., “Linewidth reduction of semiconductor lasers using feedback current proportional to terminal voltage fluctuations”, Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol.723 p.81-3 (1987)
"Eichen, E.; Melman, P.; Nelson, W.H., “Frequency modulation and dynamic lineshape properties of single mode semiconductor lasers-time averaged electric field autocorrelation function measurements”, IOOC-ECOC '85. 5th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication and 11th European Conference on Optical Communication. Technical Digest p.845-8 vol.1 (1985)
"Eichen, E.; Melman, P.; Nelson, W.H., “Intrinsic lineshape and FM response of modulated semiconductor lasers”, Electronics Letters vol.21, no.19 p.849-50 (1985)
"Nelson, W.H.; Eichen, E.; Melman, P., “Interferometric intensity noise and frequency modulation in single mode semiconductor lasers-experimental and theoretical analysis”, IOOC-ECOC '85. 5th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication and 11th European Conference on Optical Communication. Technical Digest p.729-32 vol.1 (1985)
"Eichen, E.; Melman, P., “Semiconductor laser lineshape and parameter determination from fringe visibility measurements”, Electronics Letters vol.20, no.20 p.826-8 (1984)
"Eichen, E; Wyant, J.C., “Speckle Reduction in Laser Dislplays”, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1981 V71 N11 P1743 (1982)
"Almarzouk, K.; Parks, R; Eichen, E;, “3-Beam Interferometric Profilometer”, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1981 V71, N11 P1554 (1981)
"Eichen, E.; Wyant, J.C.; Baldwin, D., “Applications of Speckle Measurements with a Charge Coupled Array”, International Conference of the Twelfth Assembly of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-12) 8130094 (1981)
"Eichen, E.; Wyant, J.C., “High-gain holographic screens”, Optics Letters vol.6, no.11 p.517-18 (1981)
"Eichen, E; Wyant, J.C., Mohon, N, “Speckle Measurements with a CCD Array”, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1980, V70, N11 P1607 (1980)
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