Liaison Resources

ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18 Grade Liaisons

Grade liaisons are representatives in departments who help faculty get their grades posted on time in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar. They are expected to:

ÌýÌýSubscribe to and keep up with theÌýgrade liaison campus email listÌýandÌýRegistrar Network newsletter

ÌýÌýUnderstand web grading procedures and deadlines well enough to support faculty when they need local assistance with web grading.

ÌýÌýKnow how to get help from the Office of the Registrar when needed.

ÌýÌýHave read the help documents on theÌýPost FinalÌýGradesÌýpage and refer faculty to them.

ÌýÌýRun the Grade Liaison Report in CU-Data before grading deadlines each term to determine which faculty need local support or additional reminders.

ÌýÌýHelp ensure the integrity of our institution by making sure faculty in their department post their grades on time.

Processes & Procedures

Lists of outstanding grades areÌýroutinely shared with the grade liaisons.ÌýIn addition, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education may contact deans, department heads and instructors to collect grades that are missing from past terms. Grade liaisons may not receive notice about these communications.

Late grades cause serious issues for students, academic units and administrative offices. During grading season, the Office of the Registrar sends late-grade reports to grade liaisons with instructor, class and roster information.

Web grading does not immediately close after the grading deadline. Instructors can still submit late grades through MyCUInfo until NR grades are assigned on the third Thursday after the final grading deadline). After NR grades are assigned, instructors will need to use the Change Submitted Grades instructions to update final grades.

Grade liaisons should have access to run a report in CU-Data of outstanding grade rosters that includes department, instructor, number of students and other useful information.

To run the report:

  1. Log in to .
  2. Click the CU Resources tab.
  3. Click the compass icon (NavBar).
  4. Click CU Resources.
  5. Click CU-Data.
  6. Select Team Content.
  7. Navigate to CUBLD >Records and Registration>General Student Records Data Reports.
  8. Locate the Grade Liaison Report and click the right arrow/triangle button ("Run with options") to run the report.

Note: CU-Data information isÌýalways 24 hours old.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consult with our class scheduling proceduresÌýon when and how to change an instructor for a class. For additional questions, please contact academic scheduling.Ìý

If possible, work with academic schedulingÌýto change the instructor for the class to the associate chair/chair of the department and explain the situation. If you need further guidance, the department associate chair/chair should contact theÌýOffice of the Registrar.Ìý

Contact the Office of the Registrar with who to remove (the old grade liaison) from the grade liaison google group and who to add for your department.Ìý

CU Data - CUBLD >ÌýRecords and Registration >ÌýGeneral Student Records Data Reports > Grade Liaison Report. This report will show day old data in which grades rosters have been approved and posted. As we approach the final deadline, the Office of the Registrar will send out real time daily updates on all ungraded grade rosters.

Batch grade change requests can only be sent within two weeks after the grading deadline. See our hange submitted gradesÌýwebpage for further instructions and deadlines.

Videos showing faculty and instructors how to access, enter, approve and post grades are found on our post final gradesÌýwebpage. Please note if you are syncing grades from Canvas, all instructors must still log into MyCUInfo to approve and posted grades.

Instructors canÌýsubmit grades even after the web grading deadline has passed. However, once NR grades are assigned, instructors will need to submit individual grades through the grade change workflow. See our change submitted grades webpage.Ìý

The instructor should email the Office of the Registrar to briefly describe the extenuating circumstances around the grade extension request and to provide the date that grades will be posted. Each request will be evaluated individually.Ìý

There are two types of grading access: "Post" and "Grade." Both types are assigned in curriculum management. Post access is assigned to the instructor of record and allows them to change the status of the grading roster (from "Not Approved" to "Approved", or from "Ready to Review" back to "Not Reviewed").ÌýPost access additionally grants the ability to post grades to Campus Solutions. Grade access is for teaching assistants who will help provide grades but not final review and posting.Ìý