Academic Standing
Policy Overview
Academic standing is a measure of your academic success at CU Boulder based on your cumulative CU GPA.Students are generally considered to be in good standing with the university if they’re eligible to enroll or enrolled in classes in a given term.
If you’re a current undergraduate degree-seeking student whose cumulative GPA has dropped below a 2.000, you are no longer in good academic standing.
For more details on the university’s academic standing policy, see the .
Your Next Steps
- Review the information belowand the campus in full.
- Contact your advisor or coach to learn about resources offered through your college, school or program and to discuss your options.
Good Academic Standing
A student is considered to be in good academic standing when their most recent cumulative CU GPA is 2.000 or higher. A status of “good academic standing” is not recorded on the academic transcript.
Note:This status applies to participation in intercollegiate sports.
Ƶ18 Academic Standing
Succeeding in college is not easy, and many students encounter challenges along the path to earning their degrees. If you’re not in good academic standing, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful or that you’re viewed negatively by the university. Rather, this is your opportunity to reflect on your experiences and learn and adopt strategies that will lead to academic success.
When an undergraduate student's cumulative CU GPA does not meet the standards of good academic standing, as defined above, they are placed on one of the following standings:
Reinstatement Options
Each college, school, and program offers academic support resources and advice for students. Contact your academic advisor or your program for help developing an action plan.
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Engineering & Applied Science
College of Media, Communication & Information
College of Music
Leeds School of Business
Program in Environmental Design
Program in Exploratory Studies