Edwards Cryo 304 PVC Coating Chamber


PVD Coating Chamber

Make/ Model:

Edwards Cryo 304

Instrument Description:

Used for depositing metal layers for lithography and optics.

Keywords for the Instrument:

Electron Gun, EBPVD, Thermal Evaporation, Thin Film, Metalization

Instrument Website URL:

Primary Contact Name:

Scot Bohnenstiehl

Email: kecklab@jila.colorado.eduÌý

Phone 303.492.2389

Home Department/Institute:


Home Facility:

JILA Keck Lab

Instrument Location:


Instrument Availability to Campus Users:

Open on a case-by-case basis to the university users outside of the home department

Instrument Availability to External Academic and National Lab Users:

Open on a case-by-case basis to academic and national lab users