Schedule an Appointment

Eligible studentsshould contact Student Legal Services (SLS) in person at UMC 311 or by phone at 303-492-6813 to schedule an appointment.

An appointment should be scheduled with us soon after the legal situation arises. Students can make their legal problems worse by waiting to schedule appointments with us. By waiting, students can miss crucial deadlines (including some they may not know exist) or the opportunity to have SLS available for consultation or representation because we are committed to other students.

How to schedule an appointment

Appointments are made only in person or by phone:


Services are by appointment only; SLS does not have walk-in hours.

We do not make appointments over email or online because holding multiple appointments open while waiting for a student to confirm one is unfair to fellow students who might need the other appointments. In addition, our in-person and phone appointment only process allows us to screen potential clients foreligibility,legal situationandlimitations on servicesbefore making appointments. Please also note that we generally do not schedule same-day appointments.

Parents or friends may not schedule appointments for students with legal issues; students must make appointments for themselves. In addition, students can only use SLS for their own legal issues; SLS is not available for advice to students on the legal questions of others.

SLS does not answer “quick legal questions.” Contrary to popular belief, very few legal questions can actually be answered quickly. In addition, it is impossible to ethically answer a legal question without knowing all of the information important to the question.

What to expect

SLSwill need the following before your appointment can take place:

  • Completed intake sheet. (You'll receive a link to SLS's intake sheet afteryou make an appointment.)
  • Buff OneCard or other government-issued photoID.
  • Consultationfeepayment if applicable. Payments to SLS may be made by credit card, debit card, check, money order or cash. SLS cannot bill student accounts.
  • Any documents related to thelegal situation, such as theticket, bond paperwork, DMV paperwork, Student Conduct/Housing & Dining/OIEC letter, contract, court date notice, apartment lease, photos, videos, letters, emails and/or text messages. If you have a criminal case, you will generally also need to bring thepolice report.

At your appointment:

  • Be honest. Sometimes students think it’s better if we don’t know certain things about them or their legal situations. In fact, the opposite is true. We need all relevant information—good and bad—to properly advise a client.
  • Remember that communications with Student Legal Services areconfidentialas required by the attorney/client privilege.

Our confidentiality promise

Students who visit SLS are entitled to the same confidentiality all lawyers in Colorado provide to their clients. We will not talk to anyone about a student's case(e.g., family members, the universityor) without the student's permission—except in a.

Legal trouble? Let us help. Most legal issues including criminal, landlord/tenant and student conduct.


  • An attorney/client relationship is not established just by reading information posted on this website and/or contacting Student Legal Services (SLS).
  • The sole purpose of this website is to provide potential SLS clients with general information about our office and services, as well asapplicable state and local resources. The website is not intended as a substitute for legal analysis and/or advice provided by a properly licensed attorney. Users should seek legal counsel regarding their individual situations.
  • While all information on this website has been reviewed and is believed to be reasonably accurate, SLS cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. We askusers who find errors in or have complaints about the information on this website to please let us know as soon as possible.
  • The Ƶ18, including Student Legal Services, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy in admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, its educational programs and activities.