
Fall 2021: Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology course

Fall 2021: Many thanks to our speaker Dr. Martin Hoyt from Impossible Burgers who talked about how Metabolic Engineering is used to develop non-meat burgers! Very cool stuff!

Fall 2021: Many thanks to our speakers Dr. Liz Specht from the Good Food Institute who talked about how Metabolic Engineering can be used to develop non-meat burgers and potenitally reduce emergence of antimicrobial resistance! Very interesting!

December 2018: CHEN 4130: Senior Lab Fall 2018

December 2017: CHEN 4130: Senior Lab Fall 2017
(Spring 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017)
Considers continuum mechanics, emphasizing fundamental relationships for fluid mechanics and heat transfer and their applications to engineering problems. Prereq., senior or graduate standing and undergraduate courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and differential equations. Restricted to Srs/Grad students.
(Fall 2014, 2015, Spring 2018, 2019, 2021)
Provides a basic understanding of chemical engineering calculations involving material and energy balances around simple chemical processes.
Prereq., CHEN 1211 and GEEN 1300 (min C-). Prereq. CHEM 1211 & GEEN 1300
CHEN 4803: Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology (Fall 2016, 2019, 2021)
Metabolic engineering involves the application molecular biological tools along with biological and engineering theory for the purposes of engineering cell metabolism. Metabolism is defined as the totality of chemical reactions that take place in an organism. As such, metabolism describes a wide-range of different cellular functions covering a range of applications relevant to chemical and biological engineers (strain engineering, enzyme engineering, tissue engineering) as well as basic biologists (biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology). This upper level undergraduate and graduate level course will introduce basic concepts in metabolic engineering and explore modern approaches in metabolic and strain engineering. Application areas that will be discussed will include the use of metabolic engineering approaches in biofuels and biorefining as well as biopharmaceutical production. Prerequisites: Biochemistry I and II or similar. Linear Algebra/Differential Equations.
CHEN 4130: Chemical Engineering Senior Laboratory (Fall 2017, 2018)
Involves planning and execution of chemical engineering experiments on mass transfer operations, separations, and chemical reactors. Interprets experimental data with theoretical principles and statistical analysis. Emphasizes communication with written memos, full reports, and oral presentations. Prereqs., CHEN 3010, CHEN 3220, CHEN 3320 and CHEN 4330.
An introduction to CRISPR-dCas9 technology by Peter B. Otoupal
An introduction to Riboswitches by Christina Danielle Nuss-Brill
An introduction to Machine Learning algorithms by Shakira Govind
Aggregating peptide antimicrobials by Logan Collins
According to the 2013 Center for disease control report, infection from antibiotic resistant “superbugs” affects nearly two million people each year in the US, killing at least 23,000 people annually due to absence of effective antibiotics. We now face an immediate risk of entering a post-antibiotic era. This problem is further worsened by the fact that current antibiotic discovery research is limited, and that resistance to new antibiotics is inevitable due to natural tendency of microbes to evolve. In our lab, we are working towards developing different complemenatry solutions to this problem. Here are some of the latest news releases on the current state of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.
- , October 2013
- , September 2013
- , May 2013
- , March 2013
- , March 2013