October 2023:Shane and Yuchen's paper "" accepted inChemBioChem. Congratulations!
September 2023: Christian's paper ""accepted in Nature Microbiology. Congratulations!
Check out how to use the Geometric Viabilty Assay for speeding up your microbiology research using the link provided.
August 2023: Yuchen's paperpublished in ChemSuSChem. Congratulations!
July 2023:Christian awarded NIHK99 Pathway to Independence award! Congratulations!
July 2023: Lab celebrating Fateh and Yangming's very productive summer internship in the Chatterjee lab.

Apr 2023: dana wins the CU Boulder James E. Schafer Leadership Award for $1000!
Apr 2023:Welcome Fateh to the lab! Thanks to support fromMitacs Globalink Research Award Abroad.
Jan 2023: Cory wins the Advanced Light Source (ALS)Doctoral Fellowship at Berkeley Lab! The ALS Doctoral Fellowship allows student researchers to work at the frontier of synchrotron research. At ALS, Cory will continue to employ synchrotron light to investigate the fundamental physics and biology of biomineralization. Congratulations!
Jan 2023:Congratulations Christian on being awarded the Fall 2022 PAC Research/Outreach Grant!
Nov 2022: Kristens paper on use of QD antibiotics to reduce intracellular infections in a bone-infection model is published in Nanoscale Advances!
Sep 2022: Dr. Christian Meyer joins lab as a post-doc. He brings his expertise in biophysics, drug-drug interactions, as well as novel high-througput methods to measure bacterial viability! Welcome!
May 2022:Nolandefends Ph.D. and becomes Dr. O'Connor! Congratulations!!
April 2022:Colleen defends Ph.D. and becomes Dr. McColllum! Congratulations!!
December 2021:Kristen Eller defends Ph.D. and becomes Dr. Kristen Eller! Congratulations!!
November 2021:Peter andKristen 's paper on "" published inNature Communications Biology. Check it out!
September 2021:"The Great Deceiver: miR-2392’s Hidden Role in Driving SARS-CoV-2 Infection," an international collaborative effort to develop treatment against SARS-CoV2 published in Cell Reports.
August 2021:"Therapeutics in less than a week." Our Nature Comm Biology paper got selected for an article in. Congrats Kristen! Check it out!
July 2021:FAST paper recieves press:CU Boulder | | | | |
June 2021: New publication that showcases years worth of ourefforts to translate our novel infrared light activated quantum dots into animalmodels to prove their safety and efficacy. "Feeling the need for speed (for new apporaches)", the only way to outsmartevolving microbes. Congrats to our lead author Colleen who led this effort!
Colleen R. McCollum,John R. Bertram,Prashant Nagpal,and Anushree Chatterjee* (2021).. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (In press).
April 2021:Dana's paper on "Light-Activated Quantum Dot Potentiation of Antibiotics to Treat Drug-Resistant Bacterial Biofilms" published in Nanoscale Advances.
May 2021: Tom Aunins becomes Dr. Thomas Aunins and graduates with a Ph.D. Congratulations!!
March 2021: Shane recieves NSF GRFP Honorable mention! Congrats!
March 2021:Nolan's paper "" published inACS Synthetic Biology.
Feb 2021:"Feel the need for speed?" FAST Antimicrobials in less than one week. Kristen's paper on"" published inCommunications Biology
Jan 2021:Colleen's paper on Quantum dot antibiotic animal safety and efficacystudy "" published in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.
October 2020:Tom and Keesha's paper "Transcriptome-based design of antisense inhibitors potentiates carbapenem efficacy in CRE E. coli" accepted in PNAS
September 2020:Lab recieves funding from to create technology to mitigate the effects of space radiation as part of an interdisciplinary team led by CSU
August 2020: Lab featured on
May 2020:ARMOR @ CU Boulder is now broadcasting a weekly podcast about AMR and it's on Spotify! Check it out!
May 2020:CU engineering features founders of ARC and CU ARMOR on On CUE Podcast series: The Antimicrobial Resistance Mediation Outreach Program (ARMOR)
May 2020:Celebrating ARMOR movemenr on it first year anniversary by beingfeatured onmagazine.
April 2020: Venture Partners features lab in
March 2020:
Feb 2020: We are proud to present the first Antimicrobial Regeneration Consortium (ARC) seminar by Dr. John Aunins on Feb 10th, 2020!! The seminar will be livestreamed globally.

Jan 2020: Anushree invited to give a seminar at the University of Houston. Thanks Prof. Orman forthe invitation.
Jan 2020: Anushree invited to present on the FAST platform at the NASA HRP conference!

Jan 2020: Jocelyn demostheFASTplatform at the NASA HRP conference!
Nov 2019: Support Max Levy to win the Material research Society video contest by liking the following video.Congrats Max on being selected as a finalist!
Nov 2019: Lab recieves NIHDivision of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) contract for studying efficacy of QD antibiotics in animal models.
Nov 2019: Super FAST response to disease outbreaks:Lab featured as Leading Edge in CU Engineering Magazine Fall 2019 edition.
Oct 2019: Anushree gives a seminar at the Bio Technology Insituteand EBIO at the University of Minnesota. Thanks to Prof. MikeTravisano for the invite.
Oct 2019: Anushree gives a talk at UCSD's Collaborative to Halt Antibiotic-resistant Microbes (CHARM) Colloqium. Congratlations to UCSD for starting this initiative and thanks to Prof. Victor Nizet for the invite!
Oct 2019: Anushree gives a seminar at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. Thanks to Prof. Samira Azarin and Prof. Ben Hackel for the invite.
Sep 2019: Toni and Nolan's paper onpublished in ACS Synthetic Biology.
Sep 2019: Anushree recieves Provost's Faculty Achievement Award.
Aug 2019:
Aug 2019: Lab receives a $2.25M led by the
Aug 2019: Lab receives funding from Vastbiome Inc. to study gut bacteria.
Aug 2019:
Aug 2019:Tom's paper on "," published inACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering.
July 2019:Dr. Sadhana Sharma joins lab as aresearch assistant professor/senior postodoctoral fellow.Welcome!
July 2019: CU Engineering features Chatterjee lab research
June 2019: Max's paper on published inAngewandte Chemie. Congrats Max!
June 2019: Max's paper on is published inACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. Congrats Max!
June 2019:Dana and Jocelyn teach Underrepresented High School Students Ƶ18 Antimicrobial Resistance
Read more:
May2019:Anushree receives Outstanding Junior Faculty Award from ChBE department. Thank you!
May 2019: REU student Suxuen Yew from Kansas University performing research with his mentor Nolan.

May 2019: Anushree featured in a story on antibiotic resistance in The Scientist.
May 2019:Congrats to Anudeep Golla for winning 2nd out of around 60 projects in Computational Biology catgory at ISEF! He won $$ and was chosen to have an asteroid named after him! Thanks to our graduate student Nolan O'Connor for being a great mentor. Thanks for NSF support for this outreach effort.

April 2019: Lab students organize an ARMOR event at the CU Wellness and Health fair to raise AMR awareness! Proud of you guys.
April 2019: Antimicrobial Resistance Mediation OutReach (ARMOR) Program CU Boulder Chapter official website launched! Seelink. Check out our outreach events!
March 2019: Lab undergraduateresearcherVismaya Bachu wins Silver Medal Award from the College of Engineering! Congratulations!! :) Vismaya will be heading to Johns Hopkins medical school this fall.

March 2019:Colleen presents at the CU Women in Science and Engineering Science Communication symposium about Antimicrobial resistance and the need to find new therapeutic solutions. Well done!

March 2019:Anushree gave a seminar at the Illumina Inc., Foster City, CAfor the Science and Technology seminar series.Thanks to Poorya and Kovi for hosting!
March 2019: Vismaya won the Educational Enrichment Grant from the Boettcher Foundation! Vismaya is accepted to number of medical schools! Vismaya is chosen as the finalist for Silver Medal Award given by the College of Engineering! Congrats Vismaya!!!
February2019: New Postdoc Job posting:See here
February2019:A new chapter for the lab. Lab recieves IACUC protocolapproval for carrying out animal work for promising therapeutic technologies!
February2019: Anushree gave a seminar at the Department of Chemical and BiomolecularEngineering at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL. Thanks to Prof. Huimin Zhao for hosting!
February 2019: Kristen's response to the following questions of the ARMOR video project:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Briefly define Antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
3. Do you see AMR in your work/patients?
4. How concerned are you about AMR? OR Should we be concerned about AMR?
5. What do you think needs to be done to solve AMR?
February2019: Colleen, Dana, Jocelyn, Kristen create the first ARMOR CU Boulder student chapter!

January2019: Anushree's ARMOR video project:
Response to the following questions of the ARMOR video project:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Briefly define Antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
3. Do you see AMR in your work/patients?
4. How concerned are you about AMR? OR Should we be concerned about AMR?
5. What do you think needs to be done to solve AMR?
January2019: Ourlabs starta new outreach program called Antimicrobial Resistance Mediation OutReach (ARMOR).

- November 2018: Lab recieves $800K grant from NASA-TRISH program along with Dr. Nagpal and Dr.Zea!
- November 2018: Colleen and Nolan receive GAANN fellowship. Congrats!
- November 2018: Anushreewins $125K Lab Venture Challenge Grant award (formerly known as the Advanced Industries Accelerator“AIA”grant program)!Press release
- November 2018: Colleen McCollum joins lab! Welcome!
- November 2018:Science Buffs blog about CHAOS Therapy:/
- November 2018: Logan's paperpublished in Biochemistry!
- November 2018: Gary's paperpublished in Chemical Sciences!
- November 2018:Anushree gave a featured invited talk at AIChE 2018 conference.
- October 2018:Anushree gave a seminar at the Department of Biological Engineering at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL. Thanks to Prof. Thomas Gaj for hosting!
- October 2018: Nolan successfully passes his prelim exams. Congrats!
- October 2018:Anushree gave a seminar at the Department of Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin.Thanks to Prof. Hal Alperfor hosting!
- September 2018:Peter's CHAOS paper receives additional media press:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
- September 2018: Peter's CHAOS paper receives media press: -Denver Post and Boulder Daily Camera
- September 2018:Peter's CHAOS paper receives media press: -Quartz
- September 2018:Anushree gave a seminar at the Department of Chemical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Thanks to Prof. Howard Salis for hosting!
- September 2018:Peter's CHAOS paper receivesmedia press: -University of Colorado press release
- August 2018:Anushree gave a seminar at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.Thanks to Prof. Albert Keung for hosting!
- August 2018:Anushree gave an invited talk the Americal Chemical Society Young Investigator award symposium.
- August 2018:Anushree gives an invited talk at the "The BEST of CU-Boulder Life Sciences" organized by the Tech Transfer Office at CU.
- August 2018: Lab undergrads Will Cordell and Maddie Sitton have graduated! Will is heading to the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Wisconsin for his Ph. D.! Maddie is heading to the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University! Congratulations and all the very best!!
- August 2018:Toni defends his Ph. D. and becomes Dr. Bordoy!
- July 2018: Anushree gives an invited talk at the Institute of Systems Biology at Seattle. Thanks to Prof. Nitin Baliga for hosting!
- July 2018: Peter defends Ph.D. and becomes Dr. Otoupal!
- June 2018: Anushree speaks at the SEED conference 2018.
- June 2018:Anushree gave an invited talk at conference held at University of North Carolina. Conference details: The recent academic and industrial interest in the microbiome field stems from its role in regulating both health and disease. As such, there is significant potential in therapies that either directly perturb the microbiome, or harness the microbiome to improve the delivery of therapeutics. We believe this is a timely topic: nationally, many large pharma and start-ups are developing a new generation of microbe-based therapeutics, with a number already in clinical trials. We believe research initiatives that integrate cutting edge drug delivery technologies from pharmaceutical sciences with microbiology is necessary to ensure the success of these next-generation microbe therapeutics. To address the current trend and training needs, the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy will host this year's Chapel Hill PharmSci conference focused on the interface between drug delivery and the microbiome.
- May 2018:Anushree gave an invited talk at the on the role of mathematics in combatting antibiotic resistance and developing novel antibacterials, which will be held as part of the Thematic Program on Emerging Challenges in Mathematical Biology at the Fields Institute, Toronto. The workshop program is intended to bring together early career- and experienced researchers interested in approaching the challenge of antimicrobial resistance in novel ways, and by integrating mathematical modelling with experimental approaches.
- April 2018:Peter wins Excellence in Graduate student research award from ChBE department. Will Cordell wins Marilyn and Howard L. Anseth Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award and Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards ‐Gold medal. Congratulations!
- April 2018:Kristen and Tom receive NSF GRFP Honorable mentions.Congrats!
- March 2018:Anushree gave an invited plenary talk at the on March 26th and 27th at the Institute of Systems Biology, Washington.
- March 2018:Tom's paper" published in Journal of Virology. Congrats Tom!
- March 2018:Anushree gives an invited talk at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
- March 2018:Anushree gives a guest lecture at the Department of Biotechnology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences.
- March 2018:Anushree receives 2018 ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigator Award!
- March 2018:Anushree becomes Associate Editor of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
- Feb 2018:Sam's paper onpublished in Frontiers in Chemistry!
- Feb 2018:CGTN America features our lab's research
[video:] - Feb 2018: Tom's paper studying antibiotic resistance during space flight,is published in Frontiers in Microbiology!
- Jan 2018:Optics Society of America features Quantum dot antibiotic work published in Science Advances!
- Dec 2017:Nolan O'Connor joins lab!
- Dec 2017:Anushree gives an invited talk at the I. Presented by the Society for Biological Engineering (SBE), this conference will bring together leaders and trainees from the cutting edge of CRISPR technologies and their application to genome editing and beyond.
- Nov 2017: University of Colorado Health features our !
- Oct 2017: BBC features our !
- Oct 2017:Anushree gives an invited talk at AIChE Annual Meeting 2017.
- Oct 2017:Peter, Toni and Anushree present at AIChE Annual Meeting 2017.
- Oct 2017:Lee's paper on "" published in JACS. Congratulations!
- Oct 2017:Keesha's database paper on "The Tolerome: A database of transcriptome-level contributions to diverseEscherichia coliresistance and tolerance phenotypes" published in ACS Syn Bio. Congratulations!
- Oct 2017:Our potentiating antibiotics paper in Science Advances receives significant press coverage including,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.
[video:] - Sep 2017: Colleen's paper on "Potentiating clinical drug resistant bacteria via stimuli-activated superoxide generation" published in Science Advances. Congratulations!
- Sep 2017:Sepideh's paper "Quantum Point Contact Single-Nucleotide Conductance for DNA and RNA Sequence Identification" published in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
- Aug 2017: Anushree invited to present poster at the DARPA YFA meeting.
- Aug 2017:Jocelyn Campos joins lab!
- Aug 2017:Colleen moves on to her new post-doc position at Sandia National Lab at Livermore. Congratulations and all the best!
- May 2017:Anushree receives grant funding from National Science Foundation to study cis-antisense transcription
- May 2017: Anushree gives an invited talk at the Safe Genes Program meeting, DARPA.
- May 2017: Colleen successfully defends her Ph.D., and becomes Dr. Courtney!! Congratulations!!
- April 2017: Colleen recieves Max Peters Outstanding Graduate Student Award. Congratulations!
- April 2017: Keesha successfully defends her Ph.D. and becomes Dr. Erickson! Keesha will be moving on soon to pursue postdoctoral research at Los Alamos National Laboratory in William Hlavacek's lab. Many congratulations!
- March 2017:Anushree recieves the DARPA Young Faculty Award.
- March 2017:Lee wins NSF Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!
- Feb 2017:Keesha's paper on "”published in mSphere. Congrats!
- Dec 2016: Kristen Eller and Thomas Aunins join lab!
- Nov 2016:Colleen won 2nd place at the 9th Annual Bionanotechnology Graduate Student Award Session at AIChE. Her award talk was titled “Photoexcited Quantum Dots Potentiate Antibiotic Activity in Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria”.Congrats Colleen!
- Nov 2016:Lee's paper titled "Single nucleotide DNA sequence identification using biophysical signatures from nanoelectronic quantum tunneling" published in Small.Congrats Lee!
- Nov 2016:Colleen wins Best Poster Award from theBiochemical Engineering Journaland the AIChE Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division for her work titled, "Sequence Specific Antisense Inhibitors of Non-Traditional Antibiotic Pathways". Congrats!
- Oct 2016:Anushree recognized as one of the most highly prolific authors for
- Aug 2016: Peter's paper on "" is published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Congrats!
- July 2016:Sam Goodman defends his Ph.D. and moves on to a postdoctoral fellow position at the National Academy of Sciences. Congrats!
- July 2016:Lab's featured by reporter Shelley Schlender on KGNU Science Show "How on Earth." Podcast
June 2016:Toni's paper on "" is published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Congrats!
- May 2016:
- May 2016:
April 2016:Vismaya and Pallavi recieve UROP awards to pursue research. Congrats!
March 2016:Keesha recieves NSF-EAPSI Fellowship to conduct collaborative research. Congrats!
February 2016:Lee recieves GAANN fellowship. Congrats!
January 2016:
January 2016:Sepideh and Sajida join lab as postdoctoral fellows. Welcome!
- January 2016:We report a novel Light-Activated Nanotherapy that can Kill Clinically isolated Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria. Our manuscript "" is published in Nature Materials!
- December 2015:New graduate students Lee, Partha join Chatterjee Lab. Welcome!
- November 2015:Keesha wins Dean's Graduate Student Research Grant for discovery of novel drug targets for treating MDR infections. Congrats!
- November 2015:Anushree presents five talks on synthetic biology, antimicrobial adaptive resistance, and strategies for novel therapeutics for MDR bacterial infections at AIChE 2015 conference.
- November 2015:Our paper "" is featured in the ACS Gram Negaitve issue!
- November 2015:Chatterjee lab presents at the Butcher symposium!
- September 2015:Anushree gives an invited talk at the Department of Integrative Biology at University of Colorado Denver.
- August 2015:We report a novel gene expression variability based approach to identify important genes involved in bacterial adaptive resistance. Keesha's paper "" is published in ACS Infectious Diseases as well as selected for Special Issue for Gram Negative Resistance. Congratulations!
- July 2015:Anushree gives an invited talk at the QBio-2015 Summer School.
- July 2015:We report a new mathematical model that describes tunabilty of genetic switch behavior using transcriptional interference and cis-antisense RNA interaction. Toni's recent paper""is published in PLoS ONE. Congratulations!
- June 2015:Keesha wins Graduate School Domestic Travel grant!
- May 2015:We report a bet-hedging based mechanism of adaptive resistance to PNA based antimicrobials. Colleen's recent paper "" is published in ACS Infectious Diseases. Congratulations!
- Mar 2015:Peter wins prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!
- Mar 2015:Josep's manuscript "" is accepted in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters B. Congratulations!
- Mar 2015:Our research recieves funding from SomaLogic, PRAAN Bio and Cooley Inc.!
- Feb 2015:Upcoming talks of the Chatterjee Lab in ACS Spring 2015 Meeting.,,,,,,,,.
- Jan 2015:Visiting scholar from University of Barcellona, Marina Nieto, joins our lab to study Hepatitis C virus gene regulation.
Dec 2014:New graduate student Andrew Boston joins lab!
Nov 2014:
Nov 2014:Keesha's manuscript "." published in PLoS ONE.
Oct 2014:Sam's manuscript"Multiple Energy Exciton shelves in Quantum Dot-DNA Nano-bioelectronics" accepted in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Congratulations!
Oct 2014:Peter passes his prelim exam! Peter presents in STARS symposium. Keesha and Colleen present in NIH Biotechnology training retreat.
- Oct 2014:Shakira and Emma recieve UROP fellowship! Congratulations!
- Sep 2014:Our mathematical modeling paper on "A pharmacokinetic/viral kinetic model to evaluate treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus with danoprevir" accepted in Antiviral Therapy!
- Aug 2014:Anushree gives an Invited talk at SomaLogic, Inc.
- Aug 2014:Keesha recieves partial NIH BioTechnology training grant fellowship!
- June 2014:Our team awarded Phase I grant by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Living Foundaries 1000 Molecules program!
- May 2014:Chatterjee lab participates in the REAP Army Educational Outreach program!
- April 2014:andhave been namedNew Inventors of the Year, CU-Boulder.In their joint research, they have developed a platform technology for fast, reliable, high-throughput and cost effective single-molecule sequencing of nucleic acids; this kind of sequencing is an important step in the development of new diagnostic tools for personalized medicine, as well as in rapid identification of DNA sequences that allow bacteria to develop drug resistance. Chatterjee and Nagpal are working with TTO to develop a commercial pathway for this technology.
- April 2014:Chatterjee Lab high school student Logan Collins is placed 1st in the Microbiology division, and 1st for Best Colorado Science and Engineering Fair project! He was also named as the Colorado BioGENEius Winner and has been invited to compete at the international competition in San Diego in June! Congratulations Logan!!
- April 2014:Chatterjee lab graduate students Colleen Courtney and Keesha Erickson won NSF awards and honors. Congratulations!
Colleen was chosen to receive NSF Fellowship Award, while Keesha is the recipient of an NSF Honorable Mention. Colleen is working on the design of smart antimicrobials to treat drug-resistant bacteria. Keesha is investigating fundamental mechanisms that allow bacteria to evolve to develop resistance to antimicrobials. - April 2014:CU iGEM Team proposal for "International Genetically engineeried Machines (iGEM) Competitiion: Computing Lab section" has won a UROP grant!
- March 2014:Chatterjee Lab High school student Logan Collins wins "Best in Show" title at the Corden Pharma Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Congratulations Logan!
- Feb 2014:Invited review article "cis-Antisense RNA and Transcriptional interference: coupled layers of gene regulation” publshed in Journal of Gene Therapy.
- Jan 2014:Chatterjee lab will be presenting at APS March 2014 Meeting. See abstracts,,.
- Jan 2014:Lynn Sanford joins lab as a rotation student.
- Dec 2013:Chatterjee Lab welcomes new graduate students Peter and Toni!
Nov 2013:Austin recieves UROP funding! Congratulations Austin! Austin will use these funds to undertake research to understand how does bacteria gain resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.
- Nov 2013:Chatterjee lab research presented at AIChE Annual Meeting 2013 () ().
Nov 2013:Josep presents Q-Seq work in Butcher symposium.
Oct 2013:Colleen, Keesha and Josep pass their prelims. Congratulations!
Oct 2013:Colleen and Keesha present their research at NIH Training retreat.
Oct 2013:Provisional patent filed for Q-Seq work.
Sep 2013:“”published in PLoS ONE!
Sep 2013:Josep presents Q-Seq work in StARs symposium.
Sep 2013:Logan, a junior at Fairview Highschool joins Chatterjee lab to pursue research for Boulder Valley Science Fair. Welcome Logan!
Jul 2013:Colleen selected for NIH Training Grant. Congratulations Colleen!
Jul 2013:Keesha selected for NIH Training Grant. Congratulations Keesha!
May 2013:Welcome undergraduate students Kyle Williams, Kyle Anderson, Shakira Govind and Austin Pothoff!
- Apr 2013:“.”publishedin!
Feb 2013:Usha joins Chatterjee lab as Research associate. Welcome!
Jan 2013:Josep awarded Balsells fellowship!
Jan 2013:Josep, Colleen and Keesha join Chatterjee lab as the first graduate students. Welcome!